My dearest frens, I have waited for quite some time to share the following post with you all. And, be warned here well in advance...many of you are NOT going to like it. Not one bit. But like-ability isn't the reason for which this post is being written in the first place. Instead, this post is being written in the greatest benefit of ALL (of humanity) concerned. So well, here goes nothing...!
Guys, we HAVE TO stop with the division and hatred and separation-consciousness (that we see on here so very often). If you think judging others is serving you or making you look all pious and cuddly in the eyes of God, you, my frens, are GREATLY mistaken. If you think hating on the "commies" and the "libs" and the "normies" and the "sheeple" (or whoever else) makes you enlightened or "above all" or something, well, you've chosen a path that leads NOT to the light, but to complete and total DARKNESS.
A fantastic way to become the very thing you set out to destroy, might I add.
Now, I know that there's many Jesus followers on here, so I'll remind you of exactly what he said. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Please remember, he said this about the very people who were about to slaughter him in broad daylight and publicly at that.
And today, it is your turn to actually LIVE that message. And not just his message, but that of countless other saints, sages, messiahs and God-beings from every religion and culture upon this planet. Because you don't need to be following a religion to tell that Forgiveness is the way to go.
Compassion is the way to go.
Kindness is the way to go.
Unity is the way to go.
LOVE is the way to go.
My dearest frens, the idea of dividing our world into oppossing battlefronts is a Black Hat idea, and has NOTHING to do with how God sees things. These people you are fighting and hating on daily, however asleep they might be, are ultimately all a part of the EXACT SAME HUMAN FAMILY as that of you and I. In fact, there may well have been a time in your life when someone who helped you out with something was a person that you're busy hating on right now (for their religious, political, economical viewpoints, or what-else-have-you). And frens, how does this serve ANYONE?
I know it's super hard for some of you to hear, but we simply CANNOT win any 'spiritual wars' in here as a DIVIDED human race. And yes, that does NOT mean that we let ourselves get gagged by the powers-that-be and stop fighting / resisting them or whatever. But it ALSO does not mean that we stop putting out LOVE over HATE and UNITY over SEPARATION wherever such is possible at all.
Yes, they've turned our own people against us, and our own people are (at the moment at least) too damn zombie-fied and brainwashed to realize it. And yes, many of them are actively supporting those who seek to destroy US (and THEM, too). But, one, this is NOT a permanent situation as more and more of the sleepers are awakening daily. And two, the Great Awakening is going to awaken THEM eventually too, for such is inevitable. Nothing can stop what is coming after all.
So please, PLEASE remember the many examples that those like Jesus and Gandhi set in front of us. Examples, that they set because truly, "(these ones) KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO (for now at least)." But we know better, and we can show them better.
Please remember, Q has always said "Where we go ONE, we go ALL." Q never said "Where we go SOME...and oh, the rest can go fuck themselves."
If Donald J. Trump has enough love and forgiveness left within him to tell you to "go home with love & in peace" after the negative ones stole his very presidency (on top of attempting to eliminate him AND his loved ones numerous times); and if Jesus H. Christ has it within him to forgive the very people who turned against him and murdered him in broad daylight...then WE most certainly do have it within ourselves to forgive the ones who are currently attempting to destroy us (and failing miserably at it, too), all "normies" and "sheeples" very much so included.
Because, indeed, they know not what they do. (But they will all know the TRUTH eventually, coz THAT'S very much a given).
It is about time that we raised the spiritual bar a tad higher up in here for this 'spiritual war' (no matter how difficult it is to do) because THAT is what true DIVINE-EVOLUTION and LOVE is all about. It's not about division and separation and brother-against-brother and sister-against-mister and other forms and varieties of hate and violence and war-mongering...the kinds that are exactly what the Dark Ones would have you do. Instead, this is about making amends and treaties and peace and coming together as one strong, rock-solid, UNIFIED human collective of global proportions and taking humanity back to an era of true global harmony, unity, awakening, love, truth, prosperity and PEACE. Again, this DOES NOT mean that we take negative agendas and plans lying down or anything...but this indeed means erasing all of the HATE that has been artificially SEEDED and PLANTED within us by agents of the darkness.
Is it going to be super-hard to forgive them when they are actively trying to kill us and take our jobs and restrict us in every way so imaginable? Yes. Yes it is. But if a DJT can do it and a JHC can do it in pretty much the exact same circumstances (i.e. a direct threat to everything they stand for AND a threat to their very lives and loved ones too), then so can WE. After all, God's tests aren't exactly meant to be easy, ya know. So RISE UP.
So please, PLEASE, this new year...let us promote more and more and more LOVE each day on here (and elsewhere across our real-life, social media etc.) instead of hate and division and separation, and this whole "us vs them" nonsense that our entire front page and comments are currently filled with. For indeed, is it getting us all NOWHERE. Besides, that is NOT what Q would want us to do. That is NOT what DJT would want us to do. And it is most definitely NOT what the Christed One or God would want us to do.
Let's do BETTER than our (perceived) enemies in 2022.
Cheers! And have an amazing day and week and month and year!!!
P.S. If this message resonates with your HEART at all, feel free to SHARE IT all across your social medias, and at your family and friend / relative/ colleague (one-to-one) conversations and mass conventions, your LinkedIns, your Tinder profiles, and wherever else you so please! Much love to one and all! :) :) <3
- NopeStillAin'tQ
EDIT: Some posters on here seem to imply that my post encouraging people to love and forgive reeks of one who "lacks courage". I'm just going to say in here that it perhaps takes the MOST courage to speak of LOVE when you KNOW for a fact that HATE is what sells the MOST on the internet at this point -- be it on this platform or elsewhere upon the web. In fact, it takes so much courage to speak of love that rare few people throughout history have even as much as dared to even suggest such a thing, and almost all of them have been ridiculed, mocked, and humiliated; or worse, straight up tortured and murdered.
I'm not saying this to toot my own horn or to even as much as imply that I'm one amongst them. Far, far from it. I have my bad days too and I know EXACTLY what being consumed with the feeling of pure hatred and vengeance even feels like. But if I don't make a conscious effort to rise above it all, who even will? Same goes for anyone and everyone reading this gigantic gigawall of text.
Contrary to popular belief, it perhaps takes the GREATEST amount of courage to openly and fearlessly go contrary to popular belief.
Absolutely, I'm not saying you shouldn't even try.
The only thing I'm against is this "We should all be all nice and cuddly! don't call them meanie little names!! there there little sheep!! I know you completely ignored everything I tried to tell you, and even ostracized me any chance you had , but it's not your fault, awwwwwww pats head"
No, the only thing we should keep doing is speaking truth, no matter how harsh and rugged it may be, that's it, whether they manage to jump start their brains or not is their responsibility, and no one else's.
And they have to face the full brunt of the consequences of their mistakes, it's the only way they'll learn and grow, that's what love's about to me, to want people to learn and grow personally... and not to shield and cuddle them away from that pain.
Agreed. That said, I do believe once they have faced (maybe seen & understood the effects of thier choices is a better description?) the fallout of their decisions, AND has shown sincere willingness and real action towards changing, I have no problem lifting them up & having a new warrior in the fight to bring light & justice to this world.
YEah yeah, that's what I mean by "facing the full brunt of the consequences", because facing them is the only way they'll "shown sincere willingness and real action towards changing"
When they get to that point you'll see there's very little you'll even have to do yourself to lift them up, the lord our God has far better devices of his own in place for that heh, though there's nothing stopping you from helping them on their way of course.