286 Trump book- who are these people and is the whole book comms? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by dty6 3 years ago by dty6 +287 / -1 107 comments download share 107 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
who is that?
i dunno but i see obamuh and bigmike heading to the gallows (looks like executioner at top of tower)
I saw that too, oh, executioner, YES
That never would have been quiet.
Looks like relative to Big Miké there to witness the execution?
that would be so great
I wonder if this was the woman who was his general manager for Trump properties in NYC?
I can't remember what she looks like, but it may be her?
hmm I don't even know how to search that
I had read somewhere before the 2016 election that she was the first Black woman to have that title in NYC...either general manager for Trump properties or some such title.
I wish I remembered more about her, but I don't.
no problem, thanks for trying!