At 12:47 a.m., the Reaper drone launched several missiles, striking the convoy on an access road as it departed the airport, engulfing the two cars in flames and killing 10 people.
How the fuck could they identify the remains, if there were any.
We’re supposed to trust he was identified getting into a damn Toyota Avalon?
He would be way more valuable alive, just tell everyone he’s dead. Net result would be the same, or better.
It would handcuff any attempts of retaliation if threats were shown proof he’s alive and rotting in a prison somewhere.
Any legal actions for an assassination would be stopped dead in its tracks.
I’m not convinced he’s dead.
At 12:47 a.m., the Reaper drone launched several missiles, striking the convoy on an access road as it departed the airport, engulfing the two cars in flames and killing 10 people.
There was a picture of the wreckage with his hand and that big red ring on the finger.
You mean the one his own daughter posted as a “memorial” on her social media!? 🤣
How many daughters do you know that would post their "dead fathers hand" photo? Yeah, OK! Sorry, that’s BULLSHIT! Call this reason #7 lmao