Impeachment is a great option available in the constitution, but it's just not gonna happen until the constitution is respected again. Which requires dark to light. Which requires the military. Both obamacare and the gay marriage case were blatantly contrary to the law, and justified impeachment. But it's just a show.
Worst diversity hire since the last one.
Diversity hire REQUIRES poor performance. If you could actually do the job, you would be hired on your MERITS.
This is the definition of equality.
Imagine how they would scream, cry and loot and burn every city if we were to treat them all like this.
So maybe she's NOT the Wise Latina 0bama thought she was?
Wise-ass, maybe....
I have read that Sotomayor is a Spanish cryptojew name. She's actually whiter than I am, and I'm 100% white.
Only thing worse than an uninformed Supreme Court Justice is a pathological liar as a Supreme Court Justice. She needs no resign TODAY.
This whole damn govt needs cleaned out from top to bottom.
Military is the only way.
Impeachment is a great option available in the constitution, but it's just not gonna happen until the constitution is respected again. Which requires dark to light. Which requires the military. Both obamacare and the gay marriage case were blatantly contrary to the law, and justified impeachment. But it's just a show.
POTATUS would pick Obama or Eric Holder for the court. Or maybe some tranny furry who is so stunning, and so brave. So stunning and brave.
The major downside will be Resident Xiden selecting a replacement. PRAY that SOMETHING happens before then.
Yes. She is unfit to be a judge on the Supreme court.
What a idiot
Nope. She'll walk away completely unscathed. The whole even will be memory-holed after the SCOTUS announcement(s) on Thursday.