-We're definitely being visited by another intelligence and have been for quite some time. Whether they're beings from another planet or something extra-dimensional, or us from the future etc etc, I don't know.
-Anyone who says anything definitive about the subject (eg. "we KNOW X,Y,Z") is someone to be avoided. The more one researches, the more complex and nebulous the subject becomes. Intellectually honest people who study the phenomenon will freely admit this.
-There are signs that multiple different groups/species/etc are visiting us.
-I will cautiously say that some seem to be benevolent and some seem to be hostile. I am very, very suspicious of the high profile researchers who push the "light and love/space brothers" meme. These people are either clueless or outright pushing disinfo. Far too many signs that at least some "groups" are hostile to us at worst, and view us as little more than insects at best.
-NO, THEY'RE NOT DEMONS. Yes, demons exist but no, these beings aren't demons. If you're one of those people pushing the "all aliens are demons" nonsense, I'll give you 50 lashings with a wet noodle and probably slap your belly with a wet trout at least once, maybe twice.
-I will also cautiously state that I believe the bulk of the knowledge about this phenomenon is now concentrated in the private sector and not the government/military. A lot of signs that this is the case, and it makes sense when you consider the question of classified documents versus intellectual property. Much easier to keep the latter secret over the long term.
-I am highly suspicious of the pentagon and certain branches of the military's newfound semi-openness about the subject. There is an agenda behind every bit of information that they release.
-No rational, critical thinking individual who makes a genuine attempt to seriously research this subject can walk away thinking that there isn't an intelligence in contact with this planet and several people on it. The evidence of contact is staggering. If you've made a real attempt to research the subject (and a real attempt means hundreds of hours) and you don't think anyone is visiting us, it's time to see a neurologist.
Lastly, a piece of advice in terms of what I believe our mindset should be regarding the research of this subject: Focus less on the UFOs themselves and focus more on who/what is inside those crafts.
My take is:
-We're definitely being visited by another intelligence and have been for quite some time. Whether they're beings from another planet or something extra-dimensional, or us from the future etc etc, I don't know.
-Anyone who says anything definitive about the subject (eg. "we KNOW X,Y,Z") is someone to be avoided. The more one researches, the more complex and nebulous the subject becomes. Intellectually honest people who study the phenomenon will freely admit this.
-There are signs that multiple different groups/species/etc are visiting us.
-I will cautiously say that some seem to be benevolent and some seem to be hostile. I am very, very suspicious of the high profile researchers who push the "light and love/space brothers" meme. These people are either clueless or outright pushing disinfo. Far too many signs that at least some "groups" are hostile to us at worst, and view us as little more than insects at best.
-NO, THEY'RE NOT DEMONS. Yes, demons exist but no, these beings aren't demons. If you're one of those people pushing the "all aliens are demons" nonsense, I'll give you 50 lashings with a wet noodle and probably slap your belly with a wet trout at least once, maybe twice.
-I will also cautiously state that I believe the bulk of the knowledge about this phenomenon is now concentrated in the private sector and not the government/military. A lot of signs that this is the case, and it makes sense when you consider the question of classified documents versus intellectual property. Much easier to keep the latter secret over the long term.
-I am highly suspicious of the pentagon and certain branches of the military's newfound semi-openness about the subject. There is an agenda behind every bit of information that they release.
-No rational, critical thinking individual who makes a genuine attempt to seriously research this subject can walk away thinking that there isn't an intelligence in contact with this planet and several people on it. The evidence of contact is staggering. If you've made a real attempt to research the subject (and a real attempt means hundreds of hours) and you don't think anyone is visiting us, it's time to see a neurologist.
Lastly, a piece of advice in terms of what I believe our mindset should be regarding the research of this subject: Focus less on the UFOs themselves and focus more on who/what is inside those crafts.
They may not be ALL demons. But some of them may be demons. And by demons I just mean evil beings.
When life gives you demons...
No, throw some holy water on them and use an angel blade. Holy fire for good theatrical effect too.