Exactly. I don't know why people bother with so many hucksters and swindlers. Too many people in our movement get duped by the likes of Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, and this "Juan O'Savin/One Seven" guy. Robert David Steele was caught up with that crowd too. And then there is that stupid Real Raw News website with those stupid articles on GitMo trials. Hillary Clinton is being executed once again. Yes, last time it was by firing squad, but now they are going to feed her to sharks or something. It's pretty stupid. Jordan Sather does a good job at exposing how absurd many of these people are, and most of them I've never even heard of before. Grifters.
Because folks can have excellent information and analysis, yet be horrible in terms of predicting dates. Ever seen the stats on your weatherman? Not good.
Don't give dates. Never works. I've learned the hard way.
Dave/X22 has tried his luck with datefagging and predictions, but he just goes by his own analyses. He doesn't claim to have "inside sources" and such. I've never once seen anybody like, "OMG X22 must be JFK Jr" or anything along those lines. The worst ones are Parkes and Ward, the two British guys who sit around their homes thinking stuff up.
He also said Trump would be re-installed by April 2021.
Exactly. I don't know why people bother with so many hucksters and swindlers. Too many people in our movement get duped by the likes of Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, and this "Juan O'Savin/One Seven" guy. Robert David Steele was caught up with that crowd too. And then there is that stupid Real Raw News website with those stupid articles on GitMo trials. Hillary Clinton is being executed once again. Yes, last time it was by firing squad, but now they are going to feed her to sharks or something. It's pretty stupid. Jordan Sather does a good job at exposing how absurd many of these people are, and most of them I've never even heard of before. Grifters.
Yes mate, grifters all of them.
Because folks can have excellent information and analysis, yet be horrible in terms of predicting dates. Ever seen the stats on your weatherman? Not good.
Don't give dates. Never works. I've learned the hard way.
Dave/X22 has tried his luck with datefagging and predictions, but he just goes by his own analyses. He doesn't claim to have "inside sources" and such. I've never once seen anybody like, "OMG X22 must be JFK Jr" or anything along those lines. The worst ones are Parkes and Ward, the two British guys who sit around their homes thinking stuff up.
That’s before a decision on enacting the LAW OF WAR MANUAL came into play. War is forever changing.