I'm not a doomer, however given the court case did everything it could not to mention a single pedophile or say the word, "MOSSAD" once, this entire thing seems designed to protect MOSSAD and their "assets".
I suspect the true function of this court case is to memory hole everything for the NPCs and then allow for an FBI investigation to collect all the evince and lose it in a fire.
In the grand scheme of things, this case was intended to destroy the uni-party while protecting Mossad. It's the Cabal eating their own. As Q has said, Israel is saved for the last for a very important reason. Mossad will not be taken down until the very end when they try to bring about the Great Reset and it gets switched into Great Awakening.
'Sounds reasonable, however I fear Israel is protecting itself.
Can you remember back in early 2020 when Israel announced it was pioneering the world's first Covid vaccine that was two weeks away from being released? It was months ahead of any other development (not that I believe the Jewish Pfizer and Jewish Moderna and Jewish J&J CEOs didn't have their vaccines ready well in advance).
During a press conference, a journalist asked an Israeli scientist a flattering question about how they were able to develop the first vaccine so quickly. She was expecting a response like, "because we are so smart and hardworking", however the scientist responded, "Because we've been working on it since 2018".
BAM! The internet was purged of all mention of Israel's Covid vaccine and it was never spoken of again. Two months later, Israel held another press conference to announce that it was pioneering the world because Israel is the most vaccinated nation in the world, using the Pfizer vaccine exclusively.
Israel then started publishing all of it's medical data in a dozen languages to "help" every other country decided what to do.
Israel has been desperate to lead the human race around by the nose so they can totally control the narrative. Israel is responsible for claiming that two vaccinations were needed, and then a booster, and then a second, their and now fourth booster.
I suspect Israel has vaccinated it's population with saline and when this entire Covid holocaust hoax and all the deadly vaccines lead to the nation of the Jews and Jewish Big Pharma CEOs and the world's Jewish controlled mainstream and social media and the two Israeli women who control the CDC and the 80% Jewish Democrat Party leadership and how they all worked together to murder billions...
...Israel will cry and claim to be the true victims here, because they are "the most vaccinated people ever". Then they will call it a Jewish holocaust. Then they will ask for money.
I'm not a doomer, however given the court case did everything it could not to mention a single pedophile or say the word, "MOSSAD" once, this entire thing seems designed to protect MOSSAD and their "assets".
I suspect the true function of this court case is to memory hole everything for the NPCs and then allow for an FBI investigation to collect all the evince and lose it in a fire.
In the grand scheme of things, this case was intended to destroy the uni-party while protecting Mossad. It's the Cabal eating their own. As Q has said, Israel is saved for the last for a very important reason. Mossad will not be taken down until the very end when they try to bring about the Great Reset and it gets switched into Great Awakening.
'Sounds reasonable, however I fear Israel is protecting itself.
Can you remember back in early 2020 when Israel announced it was pioneering the world's first Covid vaccine that was two weeks away from being released? It was months ahead of any other development (not that I believe the Jewish Pfizer and Jewish Moderna and Jewish J&J CEOs didn't have their vaccines ready well in advance).
During a press conference, a journalist asked an Israeli scientist a flattering question about how they were able to develop the first vaccine so quickly. She was expecting a response like, "because we are so smart and hardworking", however the scientist responded, "Because we've been working on it since 2018".
BAM! The internet was purged of all mention of Israel's Covid vaccine and it was never spoken of again. Two months later, Israel held another press conference to announce that it was pioneering the world because Israel is the most vaccinated nation in the world, using the Pfizer vaccine exclusively.
Israel then started publishing all of it's medical data in a dozen languages to "help" every other country decided what to do.
Israel has been desperate to lead the human race around by the nose so they can totally control the narrative. Israel is responsible for claiming that two vaccinations were needed, and then a booster, and then a second, their and now fourth booster.
I suspect Israel has vaccinated it's population with saline and when this entire Covid holocaust hoax and all the deadly vaccines lead to the nation of the Jews and Jewish Big Pharma CEOs and the world's Jewish controlled mainstream and social media and the two Israeli women who control the CDC and the 80% Jewish Democrat Party leadership and how they all worked together to murder billions...
...Israel will cry and claim to be the true victims here, because they are "the most vaccinated people ever". Then they will call it a Jewish holocaust. Then they will ask for money.
The Dark Triad, a subtle mix of Narcissism and Machiavellian Psychopathy, in other words, the biggest victims that must be compensated.