Yes, I have always argued that it was a real bioweapon that was created through GoF and that it had been sequenced.
It was created to be used in conjuction with mass propaganda as the primer for the kill shots -- the 'vaccines'. Without covid there is no death serum.
I have also been suspicious of people who don't believe in the existence of the 'rona. Some people just want to simplify the story though and seeing so much fraud, they assume there is no actual virus when there is.
The gain of function is for the virus, that's what gain of function does, it developes virii. They used the virus to make the vaxes, that's what I believe. They designed the vax around a viral spike protein.
Yes, I have always argued that it was a real bioweapon that was created through GoF and that it had been sequenced.
I have also been suspicious of people who don't believe in the existence of the 'rona. Some people just want to simplify the story though and seeing so much fraud, they assume there is no actual virus when there is.
The gain of function research is for the vaxx.
The reason you think what you do is because you REFUSE TO RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF.
The only one here assuming things is YOU -- and other lazy people like you.
Stop being a zombie.
WAKE UP, and do your fucking research.
The gain of function is for the virus, that's what gain of function does, it developes virii. They used the virus to make the vaxes, that's what I believe. They designed the vax around a viral spike protein.