I have been wondering if getting covid, or getting covid shots, which both involve the spike proteins, has the same effects? This would be a brilliant plan of those who may be using this as population control. If 80% of a population gets the shots, and half of those who don't get the shots get covid, that would leave only 10% of the population totally free of the "spiked protein effects", and if the "shedding" phenomena is significant, then maybe EVERYONE is subject to the spike protein effects, to some degree.
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Worse from injection --- per Dr. Peter McCullough
I have wondered the same thing, but not necessarily about those percentages. My assumption is that the spike protein from getting covid is something your natural immunity can kill and eliminate (especially with supplemnts like D3, C, Quercetin, Zinc, and NAC). But the jab... due to mRNA technology you end up producing your own spike proteins, so it's a never-ending supply of them in your body.
Anyone help me on that? Am I totally off base? I do not want to be a source of fear and rumors...
I think this was discussed in the memo exposed by Project Veritas this week.
The vaccine spike is a synthetic version of a synthetic spike (bio-engineered Covid). The memo discusses the probability that the engineered virus was released while under development, not in its finished form.
Encountering Covid naturally introduces the spike where the body is positioned to mount an immune response. Those who get sickest is more an immune system failure.
The vaccine introduces the spike directly into the bloodstream (after it’s manufactured in the cells) — bypassing the frontline immune defenses, thus more risky.
When I got covid, I didn't have any respiratory symptoms other than a slight cough. High fever and extreme weakness/fatigue were the main symptoms, with loss of smell (not complete loss) another symptom, along with some headache. I wonder if the whole "respiratory infection" is another half-truth associated with covid.
I most likely had Delta; I recovered about 2 months ago. I gargle nightly, and due a thorough mouth swishing, with Lysterine, so it's possible that limited my initial viral load. I'm glad I didn't get a significant lung congestion/infection, because I have had bronchitis in the past. As it was, I suffered from something that made it very painful to take more than a half lungfull of air. That took about two weeks to go away after I initially recovered from covid.
I had bought the ivermectin "horse paste" a couple of months before I actually got covid, as a "just in case" purchase. But when researching the paste, I was concerned with the 98% of the paste that isn't ivermectin. The MSDS cautions were pretty extensive, and even medical doctors who were recommending ivermectin cautioned against taking the paste. In light of that, and a compromised liver, I decided to go with just vitamins C, D3, and zinc. I monitored my blood oxygen with a finger meter. It never got below 90%, so I wasn't too worried. The soreness from breathing was a concern, but I'm at the point where I avoid hospitals unless I'm unconscious :)
Look your close. Everyone has it it’s inescapable. It’s the flu or common cold. How we evolve is through the common viruses. Hence EVOLVE OR DIE. The issue is that they altered the common virus or humanities evolutionary track. This will back fire just like how they made super autist out of the other vaxx. God built this in to the system to reek havoc on evil in this way. God always wins. Now if he is vengeful this time i HOPE so. Good day tips hat.
Agreed. But. Vax free are not spike protein factories.
the injection is crafted to bypass and destroy your immune system and carries a lot of other trash things into your system with it.