My, and others, views of Trump rally in AZ. No tie unlike Trump, mentioned he was reading from the teleprompter unlike Trump, voice didn’t quite align with his lips.
He mentioned Q #55. That indicates the Storm is upon us.
Many of us don’t think Trump was at the rally but a double. Makes sense if the Storm is upon us.
We continue to here California is about to de-certify votes (per Phil Godlesski).
It may not be the strongest but . . . . .
Who is Phil Godlewski and has he ever revealed any info that came true? Really like to know - honest question.
I think so. Check him out on Telegram
So, your take on Phil's statutory rape charge?
The girl tried to recant her story DA wouldn’t allow. He wrote a bad check too. And Divorced. Has a passed like most of us. Anything else? Any skeleton’s in you closet?
Nice, attempting to make this about me. I have no skeleton s in my closet, I have never had sexual relations with an under aged person, I have never written a hot check...and...I'm not a real estate agent acting like I somehow have inside knowledge of the Q plan and I don't have video channels where I solicit donations from my viewers. My opinion, the guy is a grifter of the "Paytriot" variety. Be careful who you follow, or so we've told
Your opinion is no important to me. Thought we were clear. Hopefully we are now
Sure are, tough guy.
Several lives by Phil on it. Not true
Do you really think he's Top Anon? Does it make you wonder why you have to pay to hear the inside info? Do you think Trump is feeding info to a guy shilling silver on Telegram?
C'mon, man!
You believe what you want.
"Many of us" .... not. MSM is trying to spin a story that "QAnons" think there was a body double. Piss off.
Didn’t hear on MSM. Where on MSM was that?
Whose this source that says CA will decertify? I don't see their far-far-far-left state legislature doing that. Plus, they just committed election fraud to keep their crooked governor.
Also mentioned. Whither may be facing same problems as Cumo. That is the nursing home scandal. Well didn’t CA just do the exact same thing to elderly? What’s hats cornering them. The exchange will be de-certify for your life.
Phil Godlewski. You can find him on Telegram
I tried to watch one of his vids on Rumble - scanned through it and never heard hm say anything substantial and vid was over 2 hours long. Still want to know why he has any credibility.
Slow s as you will. He was two days ahead of Great Awakenings on anything Trump Rally related you can look it up and study