lol you guys are wasting your time showing that Democrats support pedophiles, crime, fraud, etc. They already know who they are and what they support. It is unnecessary to try and point it out to them.
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No one is trying to point it out to them. They are pointing it out to the head up ass sheeple and it is working.
I thought the purpose of showing their sick behavior is to make other people aware. I agree with you- hell, just try to have a conversation with one of them on twitter. They openly admit to things that would make any decent person ashamed to even think of.
You cannot speak logic when feminism as taken control.
Yes they are.
But they are not anti emotion. They are anti logic for the most part
I think it’s safe to say, we are all anti-rape. Don’t matter man or woman.
Its not for the people that don't need to see it, its for the ones that do need to see it
I don't know a single person that is both a Democrat and a proponent of pedophilia.
The Bolcheviks did this same crap in Germany in the 1930's. It has been said that we killed the wrong enemy.
Just like they had a written out guide. Rinse and repeat you have America in the 2000's.
BTW: There is a written out guide. It is called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. No one will take credit for writing it, and many will tell you it is a fake, but what none will tell you is that it is not being followed. Well maybe some will say that, but they like to lie. kek
If they've been exposed to pedo in chief's footage of him molesting children on camera and still voted for them then yes, in fact they are. It was the last thing I'd try to use when red pilling people before election time. When facts and numbers can't sway them you hit them with the feels they cling so hard to. Sucks losing lifelong friends because they've chosen to support their gay/trans friends' rights rather than take a blow to their ego and correct their course. Especially when these people are not lacking any rights to begin with. SO yeah a lot of them are not proponents. The ones we've tried to reach and still side with evil however? They absolutely are.