Think about incentives and identity. If her identity is tied to the lifestyle and persona of someone who watches the BBC, that is going to be difficult to change. A major scandal could break that. If a scandal about the BBC being infested with pedophiles came out and gained momentum, then the incentives would totally change. There would suddenly be no reason for anyone to tie their identity to the BBC and people would immediately begin to rewrite their memories. “I never really listened to it that much. Just when I was driving in the car.” Or, “To be honest deep down I did always think it was pretentious.” “It was really just that one show I liked.”
I think the best strategy would be to try to turn her to someone still on the left like Jimmy Dore or Russell Brand so she is still able to maintain aspects of the BBC lifestyle that she is attached to while starting to frame BBC itself as establishment corporate power in bed with the corrupt financial structure of moneyed elites. Ask her why the BBC always pushes the war agenda whenever the government wants war, even if the people don’t.
You have a very good handle on this situation. It's all about identity. She's a big gov leftie (as i used to be) and her identity is very heavily connected to this. Her friends and family are all of the same politics and are all deeply intolerant of any other viewpoints - probably because they know those viewpoints might break the coherence of their worldview. If my wife were to change her position on the MSM and big gov she would have to hide it from everyone she knows or be ostracised. This would be in addition to having the safety blanket of the goodness of big gov removed.
She will stop trusting the BBC and socialism in general long after most people figure out what the cabal was up to. I have to wait for most of the herd to change direction before she does.
Think about incentives and identity. If her identity is tied to the lifestyle and persona of someone who watches the BBC, that is going to be difficult to change. A major scandal could break that. If a scandal about the BBC being infested with pedophiles came out and gained momentum, then the incentives would totally change. There would suddenly be no reason for anyone to tie their identity to the BBC and people would immediately begin to rewrite their memories. “I never really listened to it that much. Just when I was driving in the car.” Or, “To be honest deep down I did always think it was pretentious.” “It was really just that one show I liked.”
I think the best strategy would be to try to turn her to someone still on the left like Jimmy Dore or Russell Brand so she is still able to maintain aspects of the BBC lifestyle that she is attached to while starting to frame BBC itself as establishment corporate power in bed with the corrupt financial structure of moneyed elites. Ask her why the BBC always pushes the war agenda whenever the government wants war, even if the people don’t.
You have a very good handle on this situation. It's all about identity. She's a big gov leftie (as i used to be) and her identity is very heavily connected to this. Her friends and family are all of the same politics and are all deeply intolerant of any other viewpoints - probably because they know those viewpoints might break the coherence of their worldview. If my wife were to change her position on the MSM and big gov she would have to hide it from everyone she knows or be ostracised. This would be in addition to having the safety blanket of the goodness of big gov removed.
She will stop trusting the BBC and socialism in general long after most people figure out what the cabal was up to. I have to wait for most of the herd to change direction before she does.
She thinks he has gone off the rails of course!