You can't bring up Antarctica without bringing up Hitler & Admiral Byrd.
In my opinion you also have to link in Argentina since it's super close to Antarctica and has deep Nazi ties. And you can't talk about Admiral Byrd without bringing up Hollow Earth Theory which is really just ancient more advanced versions of DUMBs that other races use to avoid whatever is happening on the surface.
Hitler was obsessed with ancient tech and places like Agartha. What if Hitler's goal was never to conquer Europe and the world? What if his goal was just to take over one of the ancient cities that is part of the Agartha, Lemuria, Atlantean, Hyperborea, Antarctica network? Hitler most likely set up an awesome base there and the cabal has been using it ever since.
Are you saying Q is brainwashed for calling out nazis. The Nazis were occultists. I don’t give a flying fuck about Germany. My main concern is America. You’re brainwashed by Collins/Rothschild cia propaganda. The Nazis hated America and went into the alphabet agencies during the early stages of the deep state. The worked FOR THE EVIL SHADOW GOVERNMENT THAT IS TRYING TO DESTROY US. They hate Americans and they hate America. After they “kicked out” the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and Onassis(also in the brotherhood of the snake) continued to fund them during the war. You can’t be serious with your promoting of Anti-American propaganda. Hitler was a Rothschild and mengel was Onassis, both brotherhood of the snake. You want these guys to be good because you’re brainwashed by them yourself. In reality we need to emphasize how bad the Soviet Union was just as much as we do the Nazis considering that the both worked for the same team.
Allow me to submit this point to you. There is no plan to take over Europe at all.
the 1939 situation could have easily been resolved had the French and the English not been heel bent on war. There were very reasonable, and I should say, generous solutions put forward for the Corridor.
Then in 1940/1941, Hitler proposed to end the war, retreat behind the Rhine, pay reparation to restore the damage in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France, and restore the royalty there.
No, this was a game Germany was supposed to lose. And it was only by the skin of the Deep STATE teeth, their plans were not foiled. (See Von Mansteins description of the battle of Kursk.)
Although I would not be surprised to see indeed confirmed that behind the Antarctic expeditions of the Germans was much more than we are lead to belief, the basis of your reasoning is flawed.
All true but the Nazis didn't build the Antarctic pyramids.
You can't bring up Antarctica without bringing up Hitler & Admiral Byrd.
In my opinion you also have to link in Argentina since it's super close to Antarctica and has deep Nazi ties. And you can't talk about Admiral Byrd without bringing up Hollow Earth Theory which is really just ancient more advanced versions of DUMBs that other races use to avoid whatever is happening on the surface.
Hitler was obsessed with ancient tech and places like Agartha. What if Hitler's goal was never to conquer Europe and the world? What if his goal was just to take over one of the ancient cities that is part of the Agartha, Lemuria, Atlantean, Hyperborea, Antarctica network? Hitler most likely set up an awesome base there and the cabal has been using it ever since.
You have to be invited in. Admiral Byrd was taken inside the north pole by people with nordic accents. He was an American.
Your perceptions are skewed do to the many years of being taught and brainwashed into hating German people by the media and education system.
I don’t hate German people at all. Germany, Hungary, and Austria produce some of the best people around.
Are you saying Q is brainwashed for calling out nazis. The Nazis were occultists. I don’t give a flying fuck about Germany. My main concern is America. You’re brainwashed by Collins/Rothschild cia propaganda. The Nazis hated America and went into the alphabet agencies during the early stages of the deep state. The worked FOR THE EVIL SHADOW GOVERNMENT THAT IS TRYING TO DESTROY US. They hate Americans and they hate America. After they “kicked out” the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and Onassis(also in the brotherhood of the snake) continued to fund them during the war. You can’t be serious with your promoting of Anti-American propaganda. Hitler was a Rothschild and mengel was Onassis, both brotherhood of the snake. You want these guys to be good because you’re brainwashed by them yourself. In reality we need to emphasize how bad the Soviet Union was just as much as we do the Nazis considering that the both worked for the same team.
Allow me to submit this point to you. There is no plan to take over Europe at all. the 1939 situation could have easily been resolved had the French and the English not been heel bent on war. There were very reasonable, and I should say, generous solutions put forward for the Corridor.
Then in 1940/1941, Hitler proposed to end the war, retreat behind the Rhine, pay reparation to restore the damage in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and France, and restore the royalty there.
No, this was a game Germany was supposed to lose. And it was only by the skin of the Deep STATE teeth, their plans were not foiled. (See Von Mansteins description of the battle of Kursk.)
Although I would not be surprised to see indeed confirmed that behind the Antarctic expeditions of the Germans was much more than we are lead to belief, the basis of your reasoning is flawed.
More like latest Godzilla movie.
Unless the people who did were mean and didn't respect your self professed gender identity in which case those cave men or whatever were in fact Nazis