Doomer response: "Because Trump is actually Derp State!"
Seriously if you're a doomer you're a shill and will be treated as such. There is ZERO reason to doom. Ever. It produces no value.
Legitimate concern and criticism is not the same as dooming provided you are receptive to people's encouragement and don't goal post pivot every counter point and counter perspective.
If anyone cant help dooming they can send me a DM and I will prove to them logically (as I keep doing everytime one of these threads pop up) that Trump cant be a deep state.
Doomer response: "Because Trump is actually Derp State!"
Seriously if you're a doomer you're a shill and will be treated as such. There is ZERO reason to doom. Ever. It produces no value.
Legitimate concern and criticism is not the same as dooming provided you are receptive to people's encouragement and don't goal post pivot every counter point and counter perspective.
If anyone cant help dooming they can send me a DM and I will prove to them logically (as I keep doing everytime one of these threads pop up) that Trump cant be a deep state.