Not sure how the Trump family will take what? That Jared and Ivanka are gray hats, working for whoever pays the most? Or that Jared is being paid by Israel/Mossad?
Don’t know. Juan didn’t elaborate. It can be months into the future and something will be made known and you remember what he said something back then. Like the 2 black hawks landing in downtown LA. He mentions the 2/3 dirty bombs being carried from a building (which used to house the Guatemalan ? can’t quite remember, I think he said embassy) in a Kevlar sling and both going off in different directions then tie that in with Pelosi being denied military aircraft to fly herself and 93 of her family on a fact finding mission overseas just before that and you remember those things. I still remember a week? 5 days BEFORE that he said that Biden would be inaugurated. I remember being absolutely devastated like everyone else but many who heard that early then picked up ‘strange’ things which he confirmed like the rent a plane, the dirty limos, the gun salute which was reserved for funerals, the military turning their backs on Biden, the unprofessional look of the USSS wearing jeans and ‘sandshoes’, then other things like the 11 helicopters full of troops when 45 went to the border and fighters up above him etc. No ‘ex’ President is afforded such security. Then tie that in with what Monkeywerx reports and 45 just hasn’t been playing golf everyday. Why did 45 and family move out of Florida at a moments notice to Bedminister? Could it be because (Monkeywerx was reporting a huge uptick in military planes off Florida) of planes looking for something? Things like on 25TH March 2020, 45 saying ‘extreme precaution and we might actually be at war’. 45 was referring to China unleashing the virus. From that early date Cheyenne Mt was locked down and is still locked down. But what he has said over and over and over is that America/world is going to experience a ‘near death experience’ or a ‘Cuban missile type crisis’. The world is at a turning point. 🙏🏼 And Juan certainly does that.
Not sure how the Trump family will take what? That Jared and Ivanka are gray hats, working for whoever pays the most? Or that Jared is being paid by Israel/Mossad?
Don’t know. Juan didn’t elaborate. It can be months into the future and something will be made known and you remember what he said something back then. Like the 2 black hawks landing in downtown LA. He mentions the 2/3 dirty bombs being carried from a building (which used to house the Guatemalan ? can’t quite remember, I think he said embassy) in a Kevlar sling and both going off in different directions then tie that in with Pelosi being denied military aircraft to fly herself and 93 of her family on a fact finding mission overseas just before that and you remember those things. I still remember a week? 5 days BEFORE that he said that Biden would be inaugurated. I remember being absolutely devastated like everyone else but many who heard that early then picked up ‘strange’ things which he confirmed like the rent a plane, the dirty limos, the gun salute which was reserved for funerals, the military turning their backs on Biden, the unprofessional look of the USSS wearing jeans and ‘sandshoes’, then other things like the 11 helicopters full of troops when 45 went to the border and fighters up above him etc. No ‘ex’ President is afforded such security. Then tie that in with what Monkeywerx reports and 45 just hasn’t been playing golf everyday. Why did 45 and family move out of Florida at a moments notice to Bedminister? Could it be because (Monkeywerx was reporting a huge uptick in military planes off Florida) of planes looking for something? Things like on 25TH March 2020, 45 saying ‘extreme precaution and we might actually be at war’. 45 was referring to China unleashing the virus. From that early date Cheyenne Mt was locked down and is still locked down. But what he has said over and over and over is that America/world is going to experience a ‘near death experience’ or a ‘Cuban missile type crisis’. The world is at a turning point. 🙏🏼 And Juan certainly does that.