Been doing this for months now. It makes people see the articles and they can then type in the url and be directed to more quality content on this site. This works dor any site that has been blacklisted.
Highly recommended.
edited typo and recognizing error in title! (taka = take a)
For the reocrd, FB won't allow this site to be posted nor can you send the URL in a Instant Message. I have been in and out of FB jail so many times I'm starting to think I am a criminal. But it's not true. I am just a garden variety racist, priviledged white supremacist and insurrectionist. Yea, that's the ticket.
in the eyes of communists and Marxists your free thinking individuality is criminal to them, anon. We are all criminals in that light.
Actually, Facebook can do character recognition. Some people were saying that black squares in the corner can block it. I was permanently banned from FB after sharing a meme that said "Hillary sent you a suicide request."
Best is to paste the potentially offensive text into a character generator website or text obfuscator like
Асtսаⅼⅼу, Fасеḃοοk саո ḋо сḣаrасtеr rесοģոіtіοո. Տοⅿе реοрⅼе ԝеrе ѕауіոģ tḣаt ḃⅼасk ѕԛսаrеѕ іո tḣе соrոеr саո ḃⅼосk іt. І ԝаѕ реrⅿаոеոtⅼу ḃаոոеḋ frоⅿ FВ аftеr ѕḣаrіոģ а ⅿеⅿе tḣаt ѕаіḋ "Ніⅼⅼаrу ѕеոt уοս а ѕսісіḋе rеԛսеѕt."
Ấƈŧüȁļľу, Ғẩƈéḃόǒκ ϛẫῂ ɗձ ĉḣằṙȃсŧḛȑ ṛėⅽợɠῄἰţḯоῆ. Ṥờḿè рéόṗļḝ ẇȅгę ṣаӯĭῄģ ȶիậṫ ƅĺẩⅽḱ ŝգųǻґȇṥ îᾓ ṯḥẹ ċõŕἣėṛ ƈӓᾖ ḇǀợċҟ ίṭ. Î ẃầš рěṝṃãňḗήťĺŷ ƃḁήñӗḋ ϝѓǫṃ ҒВ ȁḟեęṙ ṣħẵṛὶἧց ǎ ṃëḿę ṫẖấԷ ṥåḯḍ "Ңἳḹĺąȑу ŝḗǹէ ƴöụ ẳ šɥῒĉὶḋę ŗȅԛկḝṥť."
Àςṭủᾀɬɭỷ, Ḟӑϛɛϸὀծк ḉḁǹ ɖő ϛẖầṙἇčԷêṙ ɼҿçσɠբĭՒῑօǹ. Śὂṁɛ рḗộῥŀϱ ẇȩӷé ṥαуḭήɡ ʈḫἅէ ḇľᾷϛǩ șգữäŗḛŝ ỉη ŧɧė ϲṏŗᾔӗɼ ĉᾲṅ ḅĺộсḱ ἰȶ. Ǐ ẁấş рệɽṃᾶῄḝῆեḽƴ ƃᾰɲňḙɖ ƒȓṏ₥ ₣Ḃ àϝԷěř ṧɧąȓϊῇɠ á ₥ệṁɛ ẗɦἂʈ ѕἄḯɖ "Ḫῐɫḹ⍶ṝŷ ṥêῆէ ӱöǔ ᾄ ṡữῐ¢ιḑе ȑḝԛṵëṧե."
If you use an unusual typeface and/or add "noise" (speckle) in Photoshop then FB's OCR doesn't work.
Here is another one I found that makes your spelling/typing really, really bad:)
FauxCrypt Ciphertext: actualyl, facebook can do cahracter recotnigino. some peolpe were saynig taht black squaers in the croner can block it. i was permnanetly bnaned from fb after sahrnig a meme taht said "hillary snet you a suicide retuseq."
This site lets you obscure the image or text meme.
Do a (((Google))) search for American inventors and you'll discover that 80% of our greatest minds were Africans.
Dig a little further and you'll discover the occasional white inventor created reliable petrol engines and the telephone whereas the more superior black geniuses invented feeding acorns to pigs and feeding apples to humans.
Whoa! Yes, I know it's breathtaking how white people were working on sending manned missions to the moon and creating space stations with artificial gravity... white Negroes were experimenting with feeding garbage to pigs.
Imagine how different our modern life would be without the convenience of our pig acorn garbage telecommunication technology!!!
No real pede sends us to fuckin GOOGLE.
Why would you want to relabel them? What's wrong with the original label?