England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions...Plan B: All Covid restrictions to end, Boris Johnson announces...👀
France to unveil timetable for easing COVID restrictions...Covid-19: France to announce plan for lifting restrictions...👀
I worry what they are up to. My worry is that in the UK they will free us from all the restrictions to make Boris, their valued operative, look good, just in time to introduce the new virus that Bill Gates told us "would get their attention this time."
That will be introduced to the UK and we will be told that it was caused by the people demanding that restrictions be lifted. Many more will die than with COVID and the restrictions will be more draconian than ever.
You know the making him look good definitely crossed my mind, just not exactly sure for what. Interesting theory thanks for sharing!
Well, without a new haircut, that will be difficult to do lol.