72 This is getting comical. IT'S CANDY!! How tf do you make candy inclusive (media.greatawakening.win) 🤡 Clown World 🌎 posted 3 years ago by Suckmedry 3 years ago by Suckmedry +72 / -0 20 comments download share 20 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
A girlish looking candy with a deep voice, I’d imagine!!. And another one with a purple and green crew cut that plays soccer for the US Olympic team.
Add a huge dick to that deep voiced, girly M&M and they've got Michael covered!
We need a waterproof one that doesn't melt in your hand AND the colour doesn't run in water
Cats said colour!?
🇬🇧 🐸 🇦🇺
Tranny m & Ms gahahahahgaga
I can’t want to see that commercial!!!
Or a flaming faggot m&M hqhahahagagagag
I lost my taste for M&M's, as I have with allot of things lately.
Get back to me when they start selling white chocolate M&M’s.
They exist in stores now.
White m&m character now pls.
Flesh toned candy is pretty gross IMO.
Darker chocolate ?
I mean I'm kind of a fan of dark chocolate 🤷🏻♂️. Dark chocolate m&m's???
Do you guys know how little actual chocolate is in the trash candy bars from Mars? Go find real chocolate with a 70% on it that’s the real stuff. Or go find nibs. Nibs are the actual pods.
Some questions to the take. Why? How? And why? It's racist! Muh M&Ms
Who cares? The brown can be for African Americans, and the yellow can be for Asian—
White chocolate m&m's are a thing!
Now's our chance! 🤓
The fact that white chocolate m&m's exist, and they don't have a white and nerdy m&m to represent- is a real shame.
The orange crunch scizo m&m got his shot.
White m&m naooooooow!
Yet another compelling reason to not pollute our bodies with inside-aisle junk food.
The dark chocolate will knife fight the other dark chocolate in their next ad. It will be very diverse and inclusive.
This is "eye atop the pyramid" level retarded. Woke candy... so stupid.