IMO, Canada is the greatest threat to the US after our own DS. Why?
Trudeau got caught training Chinese troops in North American winter warfare. Why on earth would his government do this?
They got caught training Chinese pilots in secrecy
Trudeau was one of the hardest Anti-Trump faggots out there. Every time DJT would output some common sense message on the border or American exceptionalism, this faggot would run in the opposite, woke direction.
Trudeau is spearheading this Ukraine issue. They just gave them 150M and are considering giving them modern weaponry.
Every bullshit mandate Biden has pushed, the Canadians did it first and if you really dive into it, it's the exact same shit. The difference? It didn't work here in the US. They tested it on Canadians first and Canadians as we know are weak willed cucks so it worked immediately.
Trudeau is the son of Cuban communist Fidel Castro.
The Canadian border is massive and most of it unguarded. The DS can do anything it wants from that side.
What countries support Chinese military being around or within their borders?
Canada --> except that Canada went further and actually trained the Chinese on how to weather North American conditions in war.
Change my mind.
My theory. Train them in Canada, send them through the southern border. There's a reason the commies wanted the border wide open.
That's actually pretty damn astute. You're probably bang on.
You're not wrong, but the only problem is that Canada can't accurately replicate an invasion of the US. Between the wildly different culture, firearm possession status, and extra varied terrain, the US is a beast all itself when you start talking about invasions. What works in Alberta won't work in Arizona. Likewise what works in Qubec will get you killed in West Virginia. Try to invade Montana, Idaho, or Eastern Washington from Canada and you're more likely to end up losing ground in Canada than gaining ground in the US due to local/native pushback.
Those three states are prepper/off grid havens. And I don't mean a small farm away from the city type of off grid preppers. I mean full on Burt Gummer "I'll survive WW III if it kills me" type of prepper. The people with enough firepower, ammo, and home made "firecrackers" to supply an entire militia brigade.
Then of course you have the added bonus of our people knowing the terrain, and having not only the homefield advantage, but also have the high ground in most cases. It's basically impossible to invade the US and win. Even with a cuck government, the US civilian population is the biggest deterrent .
Yep. An invasion of the US will make the eastern front look less brutal
You're right. I think GamingPatriot below is correct. Train em up there and send them through the southern border as sleeper agents.
Come on now, fren. You know what I mean. You are not part of that comment but the vast majority of your country is full blown cuck the likes of which I couldn't possibly imagine.
Other problem in addition to all you stated:
Which northern states will put up a fight for their borders?
Lmao... Maybe one. {Or 2-thanks cathole953}
If Trudeau went against the US you guys would have literally hundreds of thousands of defectors wanting to fight with America. No one likes Trudeau, you guys act like we have a Constitution, we dont.
Its actually up to you guys to Liberate us, i find it hilarious you Americans brag about your guns and your gun rights all day and night and then you never do anything with those guns, its like a pacifier, so long as you have your guns youll sit collecting ammo and never doing anything with them.
The Constitution saved you guys, not your guns, nit a fight, so quit bragging that you were born in the best country on Earth, what did YOU actually do to stop the mandate? As much as any good Canadian.
You're talking a lot of nonsense. We stopped this shit from the ground up at local levels. You're quick to forget the school board beefs that popped up all across the country which led to mask mandates being lifted. You think the faggots in the supreme court busted the jab mandate because they wanted to? NO. It's because Americans let it be known it wasn't acceptable.
You think the governments of states like Texas and Florida who led the way in resisting tyranny did so because they wanted to? NO. It's because the people wouldn't take that shit.
You don't understand Americans for shit. The Constitution provides us with the means to defend our rights and the 2A is the enforcer. We're not gonna just start blasting the second a mandate is given. The 2A is the red line.
Criticism coming from a Canadian is comical. You guys have hoards of guns yet unarmed Europeans are even pushing their government bullshit aside.
The reality of the situation is your PEOPLE are the problem.
Austrians, Germans, Italians, Czech, English, French etc are all pushing back and many European states are giving up on their mandates.
You? Look at your mentality. "It's up to you Americans to liberate us"...This is the cuckiest shit I've ever read. While the world pushes back and their governments quit (unarmed citizens at that), you Cuckadians keep adding more tyranny and accepting it.
You're exactly the reason why I have no respect for your country. Even the conservatives are pussies.
Have you done any research at all dude? Austria is going full vax , the UK gave up because of Borris controversy. Theres protests in major Canadian cities, only 20 states have lifted all the mandates dude, thats less then half. Which European states? Ive only seen the ones you specifically mentioned.
You guys didnt do shit, it went to the supreme court and was shot sown, your Constitution did all the work.
Yolu literally know nothing about Canada. You see some Faggots in Tortonto and think the whole country is like that, when you guys have way more fags in California and NY then all of the Canada combined.
We dont have independent states, did you guys fight and blees to get things happening on Florida? No you put in a good Governor and he did. We tried that in Alberta and he turned around and lied.
Everything good thats happened in America is thanks to your Constitution. Call me a cuck all you want but you guys have fucking Biden in the Whitehouse, and millions of guns, but you still have DONE NOTHING. We have shit, we have literal NAZIS arresting us and we still protest every week.
"Only 20 states". That's 20 more than you with a grand zero. Czech Republic is dropping jab mandates, you can claim the UK is dropping all restrictions due to Boris but that's just ridiculous lol, 5m French resisting some of the harshest restrictions against unjabbed holding mass protests for months, Germans getting into brawls in the streets with order takers, same with the Dutch, Ireland dropping it's mandates after talking about mandatory jabs and on and on. Austrians have been protesting since the mandate was announced and they have less than 60% jabbed.
Everything good that's happened here is thanks to the people on the ground level who resisted and the governments understood it wouldn't fly. You're talking from your Canadian mentality where you think the people have no power. Again, you don't understand anything about Americans.
Everything that Biden has tried to pull is being shut down. You guys can't even put up a mask fight lol. The Constitution has been torn into shreds for years here. What the fuck are you talking about? It's our people that get shit done.
The parents at the school boards, the employees who resisted the jab and the people who pressured their representatives to make sure they did their fucking job.
Our guns aren't needed...yet.
Alberta is your "conservative province" and you have a vax pass, a mask mandate and the same shit every other place has in your country. I don't know what the fuck else I need to know lol.
Don't bitch here cause I stated some facts, boy. Out of ALL the people in the world who can criticize us, YOU do not hail from a nation that can.
The day you reject anything, anything at all, come talk shit.
As far as our Constitution saving us goes, WE are the Constitution. It's because of US the Constitution is being upheld.
Honestly, a Canadian talking shit about American resistance is comical.
Not Canada, the Cabal. The Cabal is the single largest existential threat to mankind. It's passed time we quit naming countries and start naming the names of those at the top of our world's countries. It's [them] that have fucked us, NOT the world's citizens.
I don't have that type of empathy for the worlds citizens. I think the vast majority are cowards and the rest want to see people like us in jail or shot. People text me complaining about restrictions and I ask them if they still wear a mask or use the jab pass and they do, then they get offended when they realize I'm calling them out and telling them they have lost the right to complain.
The truth is, most retards don't deserve freedom.
Trudeau Castro is technically a Cuban