192 Work safe Q background (last one) (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by NOT_ADMIN 3 years ago by NOT_ADMIN +192 / -0 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
looks great, adding to my Q-llection!
lol nice one dad!
Wow. Q in the clouds too.
yup this was all made using a machine learning Ai
The thought crossed my mind it could be shopped. Still nice thought.
Yup. Its very easy
Nice. Thank you.
you are welcome
Love it!
Nvidia canvas. Cool stuff.
Nice so are you in the tech field?
Nah just a hobbyist watching from afar, waiting for stuff like Dall-e to come out so we all can start generating dank memes from language input.
Language driven art powered by a GAN is just a beautiful thing to play with. Pretty sure life is some sort of advanced GAN.
nice, so you dabble in any machine learning as a hobby? My work involves a lot of it.
try "I'm in a pickle" I heard it's funny.
Nice! Is there an archive of others?!
there are 3 i made so far but they are super simple to make.
This is beautiful! Thx!