I think that something has changed in the background and the cabal leaders are no longer safe from justice or consequences.
They have been caught implementing the great reset and depopulation and now they want to distance themselves from it quickly and hope to escape justice. they will fight to blame each other for it. They will say that the "followed the science" and always intended to return society to normal after the danger had passed. Look, they are doing it now! They will claim that they as individuals were not aware of any conspiracies to enslave and murder the populus. It was all the other guy!
Completely agree with you. The rats are jumping ship and the ones who can't are trying, in vain I should add, to distance themselves as far away from the narrative as possible. Too late!
"... and the cabal leaders are no longer safe from justice or consequences."
Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigatory Committee has had zero traction from any government in the world to prosecute these leading criminals for their P[L]andemic fraud. His organization consists of team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, some of which are Nobel Prize winning and world renowned. Again, no traction.
Be vigilant and increase your resolve. It is too coincidental that government after government is suddenly backing down from 'COVID' Passes. It is like it was all made on cue. Don't fall for this. We are at War. Victory only happens when the commanders and leaders of the enemy are all arrested, tried, and sentenced. None of this has happened. Victory is when all of this happens and we hear the fat lady singing.
Klaus Schwab of the European Economic Forum has told us there will be severe food shortages in the summer of 2022. Expect it. Bill Gates is telling us the next 'pandemic' will be much deadlier. Anthony Fauci is telling us we are at Stage 1 of the P[L]andemic.
We are at War. Victory only happens when the commanders and leaders of the enemy are all arrested, tried, and sentenced.
I think this is how it used to be. This war is different, it's an information war, we win as soon as the normies stop trusting the MSM and the gov. The cabal's power ends when they can no longer walk the street and when their minions desert them.. That time could be soon.
We want the cabal arrested to face justice, it's necessary for closure, but we will already have won as soon as the tipping point in consciousness is reached because the cabal minions will switch to the winning side and pretend they were always there.
If a foot becomes so infected that it can destroy the host, it must be cut off with force. Anyone suggesting that the satanic pedo cabal can coexist in lawful society is naive, corrupt or evil. If two are left free,they will begin plotting and recruiting until we are forced to this point again. Next time they might be successful.
"I think this is how it used to be. This war is different, it's an information war, we win as soon as the normies stop trusting the MSM and the gov."
You're confusing the tools of war for war itself. Despite technology changing, the tactics of war and the outcome of war has not ever changed. The enemy's commanders and leaders must be arrested, tried, and sentenced for an unconditional capitulation and surrender to be realized. Anything less is an armistice and a truce.
".... but we will already have won as soon as the tipping point in consciousness is reached because the cabal minions will switch to the winning side and pretend they were always there."
“You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.” -- Andrew Jackson
Yes, they need to face justice, I was just talking about what I perceive to be a difference in the way the war is won and the point in proceedings that it is won. I didn't mean we should let anyone escape justice.
But, we are not anywhere near saying the "war is won". Don't declare victory on the battlefield when the war is still waging. You'll be the first casualty.
But they can't continue without regaining trust (as Klaus admitted). I think their power to execute plans is waning. Nobody wants to be minion of the losing side.
My belief is that when he talks about gaining trust, he’s not referring to gaining OUR trust. It’s about gaining the trust of the “elites”, that they’ll do whatever necessary to overcome the “challenges” they face… namely, US.
Never underestimate the arrogance of the NWO//ds/cabal. They started planning this plandemic/depop/control plan maybe 30-100 years ago. They controlled everything, then, the media, news, movies, newspapers. I don't think they updated their plan or underestimated the power of peer to peer, memes, internet, great awakening. If Clinton were in control do you really think they would be pulling mandates and vax passes right now? No way. There is a disturbance in the force.....
It seems shocking but there is a 100 year old silent b/w cartoon that outlines the plan to depopulate by using injections. They have been using wars for centuries but needed something more. Aids, Spanish flu, etc may have been trial runs.
That is why I cast such a wide net ie. 100 years. Started with rockefeller (snake oil salesmen). I saw that cartoon. Wasn't sure if it was old or made to look old.
I can't understand why the dark side can never see their own defeat. It's baked in the cake. Did they think that they would all suddenly share power nicely among themselves after all the reasonable people had died.
The thing about dark structures like communism it that they eat each other. There is only ever one at the top and he does not share power. It's not about being good or evll. You'd have to be a moron to think that the cabal has any loyalty.
I agree. And this now uncoordinated abandanoning of rules with some still clamping down does not seem like a good strategy. It opens more eyes rather than convinces people they are right. And if hillary were president, we would be facing military door to door vaxes, camps and executions. No protests would be tolerated, That crazy ------- would stop at nothing.
Q talked about it being like a mobster movie right? Al Capone or was it The Godfather?
When he said that, I had to go watch a bunch of those movies and yes, just like what you’re saying, they all work together like Hillary and Obama but they all hate each other and use each other to climb for more power until they’re dead or at the top for a short time.
It was all made in China. That’s tell you how poor the quality was.
Covid was released before it was useful or the vaxx was the weapon and it was just as low quality too. Either way, everyone I know who was pro vaxx is either sick with a cold or recovering from one. And many are making fun of the ineffectiveness of the vaxx because if that.
I just think it is all so low quality because they thought she would win, it would give them more time to research and it was meant to be more effective as a weapon. She didn’t win and it was released too early. They failed.
Now they’re stuck making it out to be a big deal when everyone can now see it’s a farse.
"They" didn't need a killer virus. They had that in the controlled media, corrupt politicians, greedy medical establishments, unlimited money printing to create a mind virus so that everyoone would beg for the injections.
The virus was created for the vaxxine...not the other way around.
Agreed. The math doesn’t add up to the vaccine production rates.
I mean, one hypothesis to speeding up production rates could be, what if not all vaccine doses are vaccines? As in, if you filled some vials with saline, that can be produced pretty quick right?
But still, I’m with you. It is so fishy that it strongly feels like the vaxx was created in advance.
Think of all those jars. They are melted glass blown into molds. Then the covers which have rubber inserts, then filling, clamping, serial numbers, boxed, etc. It is a lot of logistics, even for water.
I don't think either the 'rona or the vax were meant to be a quick one-shot poison, they were meant to issue in a permanent lockdown and mandatory vaxes where the elite could slowly poison people and blame a pandemic for it.
I think both worked well for what they were meant to do. The 'rona couldn't be too dangerous or it could kill the elites accidentally, the vax couldn't be too quick or the sheep would get suspicious. I don't think they were ever really made in China either, probably made in Fort Detrick, and just finished in China.
This isn't China against the US, this is us against the Cabal and the CCP is just a tool.
The vax and the 'rona would have been perfectly effective at their job of bootstrapping the great reset with no blame going to the cabal. What wrecked their plans was Trump and the white hats, other white hats like Putin, anons and deplorables, and if you are Christian, you would include God. I am sure I have left some people out somewhere.
The cabal plan was very far advanced and almost unstoppable. It was not shoddily done. Now the cabal is on the backfoot however, we find that they aren't all that clever at improvising.
You know the main reasons why I think it was early is Q’s reference to the movie Red October. The point I think Q was making is that in the movie, the torpedo fired would have been effective, but instead, the sub turned toward it and closed the gap and the torpedo bounced off because it wasn’t armed yet.
No clue. You could be right. Yes, I love Jesus, I think 100% Jesus is in full control. Maybe Trump was out in place at the perfect timing to short DS’s plans early before their torpedo was fully armed? Maybe?
To me it’s all just a great movie. Jesus is for sure in control. No doubt. The fun part to me is some speculation on how He brought it all together. We will learn in Heaven one day and I’m sure we will find out we were all wrong.
The deep state is patient. They get what they can and then retreat. The MSM will sweep all of this under the rug and move on like nothing happened.
I think the biggest thing they accomplished was separating the sheep from the non sheep and purging the non sheep from government dependency; military, doctors, teachers, etc. Their next attack on the free society will have fewer dissenters within their ranks.
I think that something has changed in the background and the cabal leaders are no longer safe from justice or consequences.
They have been caught implementing the great reset and depopulation and now they want to distance themselves from it quickly and hope to escape justice. they will fight to blame each other for it. They will say that the "followed the science" and always intended to return society to normal after the danger had passed. Look, they are doing it now! They will claim that they as individuals were not aware of any conspiracies to enslave and murder the populus. It was all the other guy!
Completely agree with you. The rats are jumping ship and the ones who can't are trying, in vain I should add, to distance themselves as far away from the narrative as possible. Too late!
Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigatory Committee has had zero traction from any government in the world to prosecute these leading criminals for their P[L]andemic fraud. His organization consists of team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, some of which are Nobel Prize winning and world renowned. Again, no traction.
Be vigilant and increase your resolve. It is too coincidental that government after government is suddenly backing down from 'COVID' Passes. It is like it was all made on cue. Don't fall for this. We are at War. Victory only happens when the commanders and leaders of the enemy are all arrested, tried, and sentenced. None of this has happened. Victory is when all of this happens and we hear the fat lady singing.
Klaus Schwab of the European Economic Forum has told us there will be severe food shortages in the summer of 2022. Expect it. Bill Gates is telling us the next 'pandemic' will be much deadlier. Anthony Fauci is telling us we are at Stage 1 of the P[L]andemic.
I think this is how it used to be. This war is different, it's an information war, we win as soon as the normies stop trusting the MSM and the gov. The cabal's power ends when they can no longer walk the street and when their minions desert them.. That time could be soon.
We want the cabal arrested to face justice, it's necessary for closure, but we will already have won as soon as the tipping point in consciousness is reached because the cabal minions will switch to the winning side and pretend they were always there.
If a foot becomes so infected that it can destroy the host, it must be cut off with force. Anyone suggesting that the satanic pedo cabal can coexist in lawful society is naive, corrupt or evil. If two are left free,they will begin plotting and recruiting until we are forced to this point again. Next time they might be successful.
Yes, I agree, I was just talking about the point at which the war is won and the rest is clean up.
You're confusing the tools of war for war itself. Despite technology changing, the tactics of war and the outcome of war has not ever changed. The enemy's commanders and leaders must be arrested, tried, and sentenced for an unconditional capitulation and surrender to be realized. Anything less is an armistice and a truce.
“You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.” -- Andrew Jackson
Yes, they need to face justice, I was just talking about what I perceive to be a difference in the way the war is won and the point in proceedings that it is won. I didn't mean we should let anyone escape justice.
But, we are not anywhere near saying the "war is won". Don't declare victory on the battlefield when the war is still waging. You'll be the first casualty.
Resuming vigilant mode!
The “narrative collapse” is just as much a part of the plandemic as the roll out was.
Are you watching what the WEF has been saying this week? They’re just continuing to execute their plan…
I don't know. I'm seeing an awful lot of trying to save one's own ass over the past several days.
But they can't continue without regaining trust (as Klaus admitted). I think their power to execute plans is waning. Nobody wants to be minion of the losing side.
My belief is that when he talks about gaining trust, he’s not referring to gaining OUR trust. It’s about gaining the trust of the “elites”, that they’ll do whatever necessary to overcome the “challenges” they face… namely, US.
Yes, good point!
Never underestimate the arrogance of the NWO//ds/cabal. They started planning this plandemic/depop/control plan maybe 30-100 years ago. They controlled everything, then, the media, news, movies, newspapers. I don't think they updated their plan or underestimated the power of peer to peer, memes, internet, great awakening. If Clinton were in control do you really think they would be pulling mandates and vax passes right now? No way. There is a disturbance in the force.....
It seems shocking but there is a 100 year old silent b/w cartoon that outlines the plan to depopulate by using injections. They have been using wars for centuries but needed something more. Aids, Spanish flu, etc may have been trial runs.
That is why I cast such a wide net ie. 100 years. Started with rockefeller (snake oil salesmen). I saw that cartoon. Wasn't sure if it was old or made to look old.
I can't understand why the dark side can never see their own defeat. It's baked in the cake. Did they think that they would all suddenly share power nicely among themselves after all the reasonable people had died.
The thing about dark structures like communism it that they eat each other. There is only ever one at the top and he does not share power. It's not about being good or evll. You'd have to be a moron to think that the cabal has any loyalty.
This is why they will fail.
I agree. And this now uncoordinated abandanoning of rules with some still clamping down does not seem like a good strategy. It opens more eyes rather than convinces people they are right. And if hillary were president, we would be facing military door to door vaxes, camps and executions. No protests would be tolerated, That crazy ------- would stop at nothing.
Yes fren! I think you have a great point.
Q talked about it being like a mobster movie right? Al Capone or was it The Godfather?
When he said that, I had to go watch a bunch of those movies and yes, just like what you’re saying, they all work together like Hillary and Obama but they all hate each other and use each other to climb for more power until they’re dead or at the top for a short time.
I see it like that too.
It was all made in China. That’s tell you how poor the quality was.
Covid was released before it was useful or the vaxx was the weapon and it was just as low quality too. Either way, everyone I know who was pro vaxx is either sick with a cold or recovering from one. And many are making fun of the ineffectiveness of the vaxx because if that.
I just think it is all so low quality because they thought she would win, it would give them more time to research and it was meant to be more effective as a weapon. She didn’t win and it was released too early. They failed.
Now they’re stuck making it out to be a big deal when everyone can now see it’s a farse.
"They" didn't need a killer virus. They had that in the controlled media, corrupt politicians, greedy medical establishments, unlimited money printing to create a mind virus so that everyoone would beg for the injections.
The virus was created for the vaxxine...not the other way around.
^this. vaccine was waiting in cold storage. no way to create 10's of billions of doses in a few months.
Agreed. The math doesn’t add up to the vaccine production rates.
I mean, one hypothesis to speeding up production rates could be, what if not all vaccine doses are vaccines? As in, if you filled some vials with saline, that can be produced pretty quick right?
But still, I’m with you. It is so fishy that it strongly feels like the vaxx was created in advance.
Think of all those jars. They are melted glass blown into molds. Then the covers which have rubber inserts, then filling, clamping, serial numbers, boxed, etc. It is a lot of logistics, even for water.
Yeah, that’s a great point. It is a lot of steps for sure.
Yup, you could be right. The way people are all getting sick from the vaxx, you for sure could be right.
It was just a hypothesis so, not true until proven by fact right?
But yeah, you could be right, I think that the story and motives go so deep it’s really hard to figure out.
I don't think either the 'rona or the vax were meant to be a quick one-shot poison, they were meant to issue in a permanent lockdown and mandatory vaxes where the elite could slowly poison people and blame a pandemic for it.
I think both worked well for what they were meant to do. The 'rona couldn't be too dangerous or it could kill the elites accidentally, the vax couldn't be too quick or the sheep would get suspicious. I don't think they were ever really made in China either, probably made in Fort Detrick, and just finished in China.
This isn't China against the US, this is us against the Cabal and the CCP is just a tool.
The vax and the 'rona would have been perfectly effective at their job of bootstrapping the great reset with no blame going to the cabal. What wrecked their plans was Trump and the white hats, other white hats like Putin, anons and deplorables, and if you are Christian, you would include God. I am sure I have left some people out somewhere.
The cabal plan was very far advanced and almost unstoppable. It was not shoddily done. Now the cabal is on the backfoot however, we find that they aren't all that clever at improvising.
I could go with that. I like that.
You know the main reasons why I think it was early is Q’s reference to the movie Red October. The point I think Q was making is that in the movie, the torpedo fired would have been effective, but instead, the sub turned toward it and closed the gap and the torpedo bounced off because it wasn’t armed yet.
No clue. You could be right. Yes, I love Jesus, I think 100% Jesus is in full control. Maybe Trump was out in place at the perfect timing to short DS’s plans early before their torpedo was fully armed? Maybe?
To me it’s all just a great movie. Jesus is for sure in control. No doubt. The fun part to me is some speculation on how He brought it all together. We will learn in Heaven one day and I’m sure we will find out we were all wrong.
Yup, I expect so!
I can buy that, fren.
The deep state is patient. They get what they can and then retreat. The MSM will sweep all of this under the rug and move on like nothing happened.
I think the biggest thing they accomplished was separating the sheep from the non sheep and purging the non sheep from government dependency; military, doctors, teachers, etc. Their next attack on the free society will have fewer dissenters within their ranks.
Ok I personally like extra crispy.
As opposed to Original Recipe?
Operation warp speed