You can see the cognitive dissonance in full swing. She is desperately trying to cling to her Trump Derangement Syndrome, while also swallowing the Red Pill.
We should celebrate their awakening and their strides into the light, and do our best to forgive them. We must remember that they were victims of the greatest psychological mass formation operation in the history of humanity. They are not our enemy. We must remember who the real enemy is, and unite with our brothers and sisters against our one true adversary.
Their beliefs were wrong. There are no booby prizes in the new world. There are no participation trophies. The people who took it themselves and gave it to their kids are marks, rubes, tossers, the dumbest motherfuckers who ever lived.
This includes many of my friends.
Let's call a spade a spade.
Their best was a pitiful effort and a fucking roundworm could have brought more neurons to the table in this endeavor.
Bill Mayer needs to have plastic surgery and piss off to an underground moon base to run from what is coming for him.
Just don't forget that while Bill Maher does have the guts to speak truth like the existence of the Jewish mafia, the gay mafia, Islam being a horrible blight on human existence, and the simple fact that Alex Jones has the right to freedom of speech too, Maher is still Mr. "Kid Love Productions" and part of the red shoe club. He's still a filthy degenerate.
You can see the cognitive dissonance in full swing. She is desperately trying to cling to her Trump Derangement Syndrome, while also swallowing the Red Pill.
We should celebrate their awakening and their strides into the light, and do our best to forgive them. We must remember that they were victims of the greatest psychological mass formation operation in the history of humanity. They are not our enemy. We must remember who the real enemy is, and unite with our brothers and sisters against our one true adversary.
Their beliefs were wrong. There are no booby prizes in the new world. There are no participation trophies. The people who took it themselves and gave it to their kids are marks, rubes, tossers, the dumbest motherfuckers who ever lived.
This includes many of my friends.
Let's call a spade a spade.
Their best was a pitiful effort and a fucking roundworm could have brought more neurons to the table in this endeavor.
Bill Mayer needs to have plastic surgery and piss off to an underground moon base to run from what is coming for him.
Or worse, took a saline injection to encourage others to take the poison.
I just commented that too, couldnt agree more!
Just don't forget that while Bill Maher does have the guts to speak truth like the existence of the Jewish mafia, the gay mafia, Islam being a horrible blight on human existence, and the simple fact that Alex Jones has the right to freedom of speech too, Maher is still Mr. "Kid Love Productions" and part of the red shoe club. He's still a filthy degenerate.