By Kara Voght - a NOBODY at a failing magazine - it's hard to read I know....
After a huge rally today on Washingotn DC, only a handful of news organizations reported, on this event labeled "Defeat the Mandates" march.
Nobody has ever said ivermectin will prevent covid. Not one person. We all know it's effective at TREATING covid. Do these people believe their own lies?
Never read that Crappy thing. and I was around when it first came out!
Is the author of this article trolling?
The CDC just the other day had to admit that natural immunity was what, 6 times more effective than the vaxxes. Amazing how some of these media outlets are still death clutching the covid narrative. They'll be on the block with the rest of them.
I just wonder how people can write articles like this that are 100% bullshit for a long time, 'top tier' magazine like Rolling Stone. Get woke go broke I guess, bye bye Rolling Stone.
The narrative shifted from the Covid shot protects you from getting Covid to it protects you against hospitalization and severe illness. Never mind the booster further lowers your immune system making you more prone to illness. Of course a Big Pharma will never admit SIDS and autism are assisted by the bombardment of foreign objects into the fragile immune systems of babies and young children. Is it the entire cause? Maybe, maybe not. There may be many factors-nutritional health, genetics, environment, etc.
I like your little jab at cannabis users. It's hilarious that people still believe that stoned equates to stupid. Regardless, the publication has blown huge, floppy donkey dick since it's inception.
I do, too 🤣 They certainly make responsible users look bad. It's a medication and enhancement, not a lifestyle or crutch.
And the rank scent of patchouli oil.
You sir, are the potent breeding ground for misinformation. Just one point I would like to make is that the reproductive studies you made mention were done by the same people selling the poison. The ‘results’ are going to be skewed with nobody to validate it because of the inherent corruption.
My apologies, I got fired up at the content I guess. My comment was directed at the article writer.