Breaking 911: FDA revokes Emergency Use Authorization for Monoclonal Antibody treatment for Covid-19
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The monoclonal antibodies are not without problems either. It is still an experimental treatment. In the case of Regen-Cov, it uses engineered synthetic IgG antibodies - while others not in wide use, have antibodies derived from humanized mice. Like the vaxxines, there are no long term studies on these biologics. For those that object to vaxxines on religious grounds due to fetal cell use either in production or in research, should also have to object to mABs for the same reasons. Also, as previously stated, these drugs are still experimental. So, anyone taking them is participating in a drug trial.
Now that the manufacturers have sufficient data from the phase 3 trials of these biologics, they can be withdrawn from use in the US while studies around the world I believe are continuing. In the US, they are trying to push their next trials for dangerous recycled HIV antivirals. Like HCQ and Ivermectin, they have to pull the plug on anything that may actually work - even though the long term risks of mABs are still unknown. These companies have file cabinets full of experimental drugs that under any other circumstance would not be able to distributed to the public due to the dangers.
Early treatment is key and we have to keep pushing the message out there. People cannot wait two or three days to seek treatment. Any viral illness needs to be treated within 72 hours to be successful - especially for anyone in a high risk category. The problem that I continue to see is that people, even those that consider themselves awakened, are waiting too long to start treatment. As soon as symptoms appear, that is when treatment should begin. A person does not need to have a diagnosis or wait to see how sick they become to begin treatment. This is foolish. Have supplies on hand that in the event of any viral infection, treatment can be started. The lower the viral load, the less likely a person is going to suffer from the inflammatory sequala. The inflammatory response and secondary bacterial infections are what kill people - not the initial viral infection.
I literally started ivermectin on Day 1. I didn’t wait.
I was also using Xlear for the months preceding being infected; still didn’t help with the viral load.
I’m not saying mAbs are the safest thing on the planet. Maybe I’m about to get cancer, which sucks if that’s the case.
But ivermectin, zinc, D, C, and liposomal glutathione did not help me from getting progressively worse in terms of dysautonomia and incredibly high heart rate issues.
You are the perfect example of why there is not a one size fits all approach. Everyone is different and some people go on to develop more serious disease despite what they do that seems to work on everyone else. People in that situation can use something like mAB therapy in addition to those things we know are helpful. For them, the choice between mABs or hospital death camp admission is a risk worth taking because to do nothing could be fatal. Especially when a person does not have access to a clinician that can provide alternative and more aggressive onsite treatments. It makes me angry that they are once again pulling something that has been shown to help avoid hospitalization - which we know for the really sick the odds of walking back out of hospital are not so good.
One note on Vitamin D. Get your levels up to about 90ng/ml. When a person gets really sick their levels can drop by 50 percent in 24 hours. If a person is starting with a level of say 30 to 40 ng/ml, which most providers are happy with when reviewing bloodwork, those levels within 24hrs could be 15 to 20 ng/dl which is deficient. When someone gets really sick, suffers trauma, or undergoes surgery, 50K IUs can be safely taken for a week to help with the body's increased needs. There is research that shows that this increased dose of Vitamin D is correlated to decreased morbidity and shortened duration of illness.
Keep up with the supplements fren. I am sure they also helped give you a fighting chance. Try to locate a provider in your area that can deliver IV vitamin treatment. It might be helpful for your recovery.
I find that just taking vitamins C, D, and B complex along with Zinc stops all my cold-like symptoms in a couple of days. Plus I had Covid for 17 days last year so there's that too.
I had the coof about 5 months ago. It was no fun. I had not been that sick from a flu since the eighties. I never got any respiratory symptoms but I did have some swollen lymph nodes below my ears and a slight sore throat. I did the protocols immediately as soon as I felt symptoms, so the worst of it was over in about 4 days. I think all the information on this board is helping everyone take better care of their health in a way that I have never seen before in all my years in clinical practice. Stay healthy fren.
Nominate you to take Faucinsteins place!.... I have Ivermectin and HCQ if my family needs it....
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but playing politics is not my idea of a good time. Glad to hear to are prepared. God bless.