Project Veritas- Vaccine Nurse Whistleblower
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Yes, bacterioststic water was provided and used to reconstitute the vaccine, rather than saline. Bacterioststic water contains 0.9% benzyl alcohol. The effects on the "vaccine" are unknown.
I am an RN also. There's no way I would give a medication without an ingredient insert, and I also would not administer any medication from an unsealed vial. This company, Godoc or whatever, is really taking advantage of the covid hysteria with their fly by night operation. Very unsafe working conditions and poor practices lead to poor outcomes for the patient.
Sorry for the repost; I must have missed it yesterday.
Do you mean the staff or the company or both?
I agree there were nursing errors. The manufacturer did not make an error. The incorrect reagent was used to reconstitute the vaccine medication. The company would have liability, I would think. Without being able to track the patients who received the incorrect medication, we'll never know.
Thanks for this input. Some things make more sense now. Don't worry about the repost. You were the first to post with the PV link.
YW, fren. I really didn't catch anything in the video about the different vials being labeled 1, 2 or 3.
That was from a different post about a month ago. Someone posted an article that the numbers 1, 2, & 3 appear on the bottles. One is what the elites get and they are pure placebos that will do them no harm. Two is for those just under the elite level and it will make them a little sick and maybe shorten their lives a little. Threes are for us common folk and are meant to shorten our lives significantly.
First time seeing. Great info from expert on the inside. 👍🇺🇸
Some of us missed it. So thank you for reposting. And bless you also for the additional insight. Valuable.