My husband was going to lose his job next month for refusing the booster. This group helped us a great deal throughout the process. I’m crying tears of joy and relief that in CALIFORNIA my nurse husband was granted his religious exemption and will be able to keep his job!
I’m praising God for His answer to our prayers and I’m so grateful to this group for all of the wisdom, advice and support! Thank you!
It’s so weird actually… we were working on a letter and had several sources we were working from. But his hospital changed the process and only gave him a box to check and not a place to include a letter.
Wow, that’s awesome! Congratulations!
Thank you!
There is something afoot. My daughter did a medical exemption for a very large corporation. The first form was very invasive. Before she could submit it, the company sent out a much less comprehensive version. It sucked for our friend who filled out both! It was approved within a week. Thank goodness.
We as a family have been blessed also. Husband and daughter got medical exemptions at large corporations. Younger daughter is a state employee in a red state and it looks like her USAF Reserve recruiter protected her from having to get vaccine. Just a hunch on my part based on events... I am the only one waiting on my religious exemption (federal contractor at a small company.) Company has been very quiet for months. I am cautiously optimistic that I will be fine...
Praise God for His provision for your husband and daughter! I’m praying right now for you and your process!! Please come back and keep us posted on how it turns out!
Thank you for the prayers. I am very happy for you!! I felt the exact same way when husband and daughter got their exemptions. Huge relief!
Except that by putting in for the exemptions - we played into their game by validating the need for an exemption in the first place.
However, I was trying to protect a 21 year earned pension. Yes, I am one of the few people in the company with a 'protected / grandfathered' ACTUAL Pension! Have the standard 401k also, but the pension was worth enough that I didn't want to play games with losing it over getting fired, vs retiring (which was also an option if it came to the Press To Test moment). I tried - actually a rather vocal group of us - tried to get ANY answers to our questions about what would happen if we didn't get the Jab, and also did not get an exemption. Neither Corporate Management nor HR EVER REPLIED to our inquiries....
(Yes, I have known horseyPatriot for over 30 years.....)
That’s awesome! I have been wondering how an RE would shake out for anyone vaxxed but now not wanting boosted to be compliant. Glad to hear this change!
Wow, that's interesting. It's almost like they are going to be automatically granted. Either way CONGRATS to you and your hubby!