Odd how People's Republic means communist but People's Party means fascist...
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Two sides of the same oppressive coin.
True but this “fascist” party is actually libertarian lol.
The fascist new deal trio of FDR, Hitler and Mussolini all played their part in the deep states plans. FDR was an Astor(a family in the brotherhood of the snake). He and his minion Truman shaped the modern deep state. Hitler was a minion. He was the false savior of the three. Mussolini came up with the ideas and philosophy.
The left does not realize fascism is not "far right". Mussolini was as left wing as you can get
Fascism is just communism with extra steps.
Canadian here. I do NOT trust Bernier or the Party. Derek Sloan is the one that should be Canada's leader. He was warning about the shots and mandates from the beginning. I voted for him to be the leader of the Conservative Party but tens of thousands of ballots were somehow destroyed (whoops) and O'toole got the win and he's as much of a globalist as Turdo. I had a few choice words to say whan the Conservative Party wanted more donations. NEVER. Bernier's dad was a politician too. And I read some info a while back about how at least one of Bernier's group has ties to Soros.
The meanings are meaningless. It's the actions and the rhetoric to support them that counts. You can call it the People's Piggglywiggly, and as long as you are honest and truthful, nobody cares.
Is wikipedia secretly based? - Crowder
Who trusts crowder? He's been around for eons. Joe Rogan Experience ftw!