Awkward that his brother-in-law kicked in a 5-figure donation to the truckers. More awkward that he forced his BIL to apologize and try to get his donation refunded. At some point, most people would just stop digging, but this guy seems ready to bury his political career all on his own.
RIght. the NDP 'merged' with the Liberal party LAST election to give the Liberals a majority. The NDP said they weren't doing that this time... but y'know hypocrisy runs deep in the Canadian government. You can't trust any party in Canada except PPC.
Isn't FREE SPEECH wonderful?
Jagmeet Singh is free to express his completely racist ravings...
and the patriotic truckers are free to express their own views too.
yup, but defamation and libel are not free speech.
Go to the cocksucker's website and let him know he doesn't represent any Canadians.
I'm just as tired about hearing about Muslim problems as I am about covid
If there WERE no Muslims, the world wouldn't have so many Muslim related problems.
He is Sikh actually
They're usually based. Weird to see.
True. But he is a Canadian Political Sikh.
Probably one of the sellouts that likes molesting children.
Can you in detail explain to me the difference?
Awkward that his brother-in-law kicked in a 5-figure donation to the truckers. More awkward that he forced his BIL to apologize and try to get his donation refunded. At some point, most people would just stop digging, but this guy seems ready to bury his political career all on his own.
RIght. the NDP 'merged' with the Liberal party LAST election to give the Liberals a majority. The NDP said they weren't doing that this time... but y'know hypocrisy runs deep in the Canadian government. You can't trust any party in Canada except PPC.
Jag Meat - nice name. Go home, asshat.
Well, the NDP just lost a whole wack of votes over that comment.