Oh shit, oh shit, oh SHITTTTT!!! 👀👀
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You are talking as if you expect everyone to know everything about her. I haven o idea who she is, what she did and why this is significant.
Let's try again Bubbles. Cynthia McKinney was some of the opposition to the rino's during the Bush years. She was a major thorn in the side of Darth Cheney in particular. Although she had some really leftist ideas she did stand up for the innocents being trafficked by the military subcontractors that had a green light due to the Patriot Act War on Terror. It was a license to take over the world. The videos of her hard line questions in committee have largely been scrubbed.
If this happened and she continued to be in power, I can think of two possibilities.
One, they found her "price" to shut her up.
Two, she teamed up with the white hats to be a sleeper.
Either way, I get the point you are making - that just because someone is vocal about crimes against children, does not mean they are true patriots.
The counter point is that - yes that would be true historically, but we are at a point where lines are drawn in the sand and the enemy does not have years to finesse people like her - so in this moment in history I would bet on those who are vocal than those who stay silent about the issue.
She is not in power, and she has never shut up. She was painted as a nutjob by the media so severely that most people actually now think she is mentally ill. I imagine this was done so the public would dismiss anything she says as "crazy talk". You can find recent videos online of her calling shit out.