This has never made sense to me. Think about it, everything East of Berlin has experienced ACTUAL LITERAL communism AND Fascism at some point in the past 70 years. It makes literally zero sense that any of these places would be the way they are currently after experiencing both political extremes.
The Nordic countries in particular are a paradox to me. I mean, They're right next to Russia, their culture has been heavily influenced by Russia for several hundred years now. During WW II they all got invaded by the Nazi's very early on and had to experience life under a Nazi boot on one side, and Stalin on the other if they were "rescued". Follow this up with 50 years of hardcore communist dictatorships, and it's so freaking bizarre that the ended up the way they did.
Logically speaking, is there any amount of brainwashing that could convince you to return to the living hell you just got out of? Before anyone says "It's all the brainwashed youth", you have to remember, the USSR didn't fall that long ago. It's only been a little over 20 years since they fell. The majority of people alive today were alive for most of the USSR's existence, so most people in former USSR nations have lived under communism in some form or another.
Is it just that the cheating is THAT bad in these countries that they're able to gaslight entire nations into accepting crap that they don't actually beleive out of fear of being a black sheep? It makes no sense to me, so I figured I'd start a discussion thread on it. Someone might have an epiphany about something in the cabal's history here.
Liberalism is like a call of the siren. It sounds so seductive. For someone who has suffered under authoritarian rule, who can deny feeling inspired when they hear about equality for all, inclusiveness, a whole new world without borders, blah blah?
The real issue is not that these people lived under actual communism. The issue is that they never actually understood how that happened, who caused it and why.
This is what makes the Globalist plans so diabolical. They make sure people never understand the truth of what is happening to them. Even as they suffer, they are made to believe that someone else is the cause of their misery.
"He who controls the past, controls the present"
Victors may write the history, but those who write the history will always be victors (until now).
I agree with the seduction analysis. I think that is why younger people fall for it, and as they age they either wake up slowly, or with a shock. This may be a reason that totalitarians start knocking off the elderly. They are prime candidates for dissident behaviour, because they do not have off switches anymore. Can't have that.
This has the added advantage (for the Cabal) of creating a generational gap. Kids never understand why their parents are "old fashioned" and they resent them, making it even harder for parents to protect them from these stuff.
I dont know about you, but the elderly people in my life have all made a 180 degrees over the past years and now completely drinking Koolaid. It's tiring to have to redpill both zoomers and boomers at the same time. Luckily my parents have slowly started waking up, but plenty of elderly still deep asleep.
Agreed. My analysis was flawed in that there are frail elderly who are haplessly following the Covid narrative. Years of brainwashing there: the doctor knows best and all that. Sad.
If we take a moment to see it at 40k feet view, we have to concede - its a very meticulous plan. Cowardly, nevertheless meticulous. Without the Q Plan, it would have been very hard to stop it, and even if my a miracle people woke up, it would have been a bloodbath.
I think Bubble _bursts is right. These people are the only people I know, (besides Y'all! My online family) They're sure they're voting for "good Guys" and "Right Side of history" stuff. They believe All the racism stuff BECAUSE they themselves have lived relative lives of So Much Privilege. They ARE sure the powerful are to blame. But as Dennis Prager says the progs (globe homo left) have ONLY succeeded in Brain washing folks that white heterosexual males are powerful-and so to blame for all that ails everyone else.