posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +9 / -0

This has never made sense to me. Think about it, everything East of Berlin has experienced ACTUAL LITERAL communism AND Fascism at some point in the past 70 years. It makes literally zero sense that any of these places would be the way they are currently after experiencing both political extremes.

The Nordic countries in particular are a paradox to me. I mean, They're right next to Russia, their culture has been heavily influenced by Russia for several hundred years now. During WW II they all got invaded by the Nazi's very early on and had to experience life under a Nazi boot on one side, and Stalin on the other if they were "rescued". Follow this up with 50 years of hardcore communist dictatorships, and it's so freaking bizarre that the ended up the way they did.

Logically speaking, is there any amount of brainwashing that could convince you to return to the living hell you just got out of? Before anyone says "It's all the brainwashed youth", you have to remember, the USSR didn't fall that long ago. It's only been a little over 20 years since they fell. The majority of people alive today were alive for most of the USSR's existence, so most people in former USSR nations have lived under communism in some form or another.

Is it just that the cheating is THAT bad in these countries that they're able to gaslight entire nations into accepting crap that they don't actually beleive out of fear of being a black sheep? It makes no sense to me, so I figured I'd start a discussion thread on it. Someone might have an epiphany about something in the cabal's history here.