They are "fair weather" antifa, meaning they're so weak they can't fathom going outside if the air temp is less than 72 F. If they get cold they whine and complain and then they all crawl to the nearest Starbucks for hot chocolate and vegan soy milk caramal machiattos with extra whip.
Where's the Canadian branch of Antifa to counter protest. Or did they run out of Soros funding... Patriots in control?
It's cold there, so they ain't playing outside
Plus getting bitch slapped REALLY stings
They are "fair weather" antifa, meaning they're so weak they can't fathom going outside if the air temp is less than 72 F. If they get cold they whine and complain and then they all crawl to the nearest Starbucks for hot chocolate and vegan soy milk caramal machiattos with extra whip.
also possible that watching their comrades get vanned during BLM riots had sort of a chilling effect on their enthusiasm to participate.
Could be. Also they're so lazy that not even a $500 check from Soros can get them off their butts.