Little snow is good but we got 2.5 feet a few days ago in under 8 hrs. Something like that could cause some issues. Either way, there will be people there.
This was a created storm for sure. Air quality in SE Michigan went from good to bad in one day and my head hurt like crazy yesterday. Forecast is calling for 8-14” area wide, but I can’t help feeling this is going to be catastrophic.
The storm that caused the big tornados last summer looked similar. It was smaller. Couple weeks ago we received 2.5 ft in 8 hours. When I had my radar showing winds, it shows a giant funnel of wind, as big as the Atlantic, converge at a point directly at us and sit there for hours then zoom off. The wind thing is new on my radar so this could be totally normal. I remember at the time thinking "what did canada do?"(the truckers weren't a thing yet) but if you look at the wind, it looks like a "weather attack" on the northeast. Curious to know how much influence they have on movement once it gets going. Just get it going and hope for the best or up there the whole time moving stuff about. Maybe we will know too soon.
Weather Warfare. Damn them.
Mother nature is a deep state bitch!
Little snow is good but we got 2.5 feet a few days ago in under 8 hrs. Something like that could cause some issues. Either way, there will be people there.
Since the streets are blocked anyway I don’t see the problem.
Just a way to discourage people from going to the protest.
It would be a shocker if snow weren't forecast for Canada in the winter.
I hope those truckers can get some shovels to get around their trucks. Hopefully the fund releases the cash for them to get those.
It will keep the trucks in place 😂🇨🇦
They were doing that already. Other protesters joined in to help. Plenty of equipment to take care of it but it may serve to keep protesters away.
This was a created storm for sure. Air quality in SE Michigan went from good to bad in one day and my head hurt like crazy yesterday. Forecast is calling for 8-14” area wide, but I can’t help feeling this is going to be catastrophic.
The storm that caused the big tornados last summer looked similar. It was smaller. Couple weeks ago we received 2.5 ft in 8 hours. When I had my radar showing winds, it shows a giant funnel of wind, as big as the Atlantic, converge at a point directly at us and sit there for hours then zoom off. The wind thing is new on my radar so this could be totally normal. I remember at the time thinking "what did canada do?"(the truckers weren't a thing yet) but if you look at the wind, it looks like a "weather attack" on the northeast. Curious to know how much influence they have on movement once it gets going. Just get it going and hope for the best or up there the whole time moving stuff about. Maybe we will know too soon.
Makes sense—DC next
Make like Canucks and throw a party in the snow.
Surprised they haven't built a rink.
How long until the government starts leaving out stacks of bricks and busing in BLM and Antifa to attack Freedom Convoy participants?
This snow will definitely eliminate both those groups
Its always warmer when it snows! Bring the warmth!