West Virginia School Bus Driver Placed on Leave for Attending Jan 6 Trump Rally Announces Run for Office
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You go girl!!
Good. Hope she wins.
I was just going to write the exact same words! 😀
Great minds think alike :)
I was thinking that too! 😀 Cheers!
More people need to follow her lead. The authoritarians who think they make the rules and selectively enforce same need to be knocked off their pedestal.
Yasss. Don't take their BS anymore!
You see how this works? Place someone on leave, think they are winning. Person at home starts searching for an answer.
Boot's on the other foot when they run for office.
Good for her! This is the way!!!
No more elitists or lawyers in Politics. Regular Americans that have actually worked a real job for their whole lives are the only ones that understand what "common" people want and need. Even then, we have to be very selective in who we allow in a leadership position. I hope she displaces a lifelong politician.
What one does on their free time off the job is irrelevant as long as it does not involve high crimes like paedophilia, theft, sexual assault, physical assault. That school district needed her more than she needed them.
Meemaw for DA lol. Another Pede said it, and I agree