I am absolutely not defending the guy who's been tilted off the face of the planet, but I'm willing to bet many pedes here have no idea how loud an idling semi is. It annoyed the fuck out of me when I was house sitting for somebody while working a night shift. Their neighbor is an owner operator so when I would be getting back from my shift and walking the dog his truck would be warming up. It was sooo fucking hard to get to sleep early enough not to fuck up my sleep schedule because it sat there for so long. Idk if I could handle that shit for multiple days straight. It's a very creative way to peacefully protest but I feel his pain even if he's too fucking stupid to understand the reason behind it all. I was only there for a week tho and didn't bother getting ear plugs so that's pretty much on me. Just thought I'd throw that out there lol.
i used to live directly above the stage at a heavy metal rock club. Ear plugs work 80% of the time. If the sound is enough to cause vibration, then earplugs don't work as well.
Of course, I had no issues because I can sleep through anything. One time I almost slept through an earthquake. I can fall asleep in a bathtub in the guest room of an all-night party.
I had a few guests, however, who were driven to near insanity trying to sleep through the music downstairs. But I noticed every time that happened, that they didn't like the music to begin with. When you like the music, it's easier to sleep through.
So I'm of the opinion that in many cases, the person who can't sleep already absolutely hates what's making that sound anyway. And what's really keeping them truly from sleeping, is their own hatred coursing through their veins. But maybe I just don't know what its like to be a light sleeper.
Yeah I could see that. My situation was due to watching over a trailer and the guy wasn't even a direct neighbor. It was half a street down lol. So it was just a lot of factors working against me since I have trouble falling asleep with all the crap I consume keeping up with things. It was also during the week of the Rittenhouse verdict and my night shift was covering someone's paper route so I was pretty much forced to see how fucked the media was portraying us. I didn't know what would happen if they let that shit show prosecutor win just to appease the leftist mob and what 'our' side would have done in retaliation. Lots of stress that week lol.
I am absolutely not defending the guy who's been tilted off the face of the planet, but I'm willing to bet many pedes here have no idea how loud an idling semi is. It annoyed the fuck out of me when I was house sitting for somebody while working a night shift. Their neighbor is an owner operator so when I would be getting back from my shift and walking the dog his truck would be warming up. It was sooo fucking hard to get to sleep early enough not to fuck up my sleep schedule because it sat there for so long. Idk if I could handle that shit for multiple days straight. It's a very creative way to peacefully protest but I feel his pain even if he's too fucking stupid to understand the reason behind it all. I was only there for a week tho and didn't bother getting ear plugs so that's pretty much on me. Just thought I'd throw that out there lol.
i used to live directly above the stage at a heavy metal rock club. Ear plugs work 80% of the time. If the sound is enough to cause vibration, then earplugs don't work as well.
Of course, I had no issues because I can sleep through anything. One time I almost slept through an earthquake. I can fall asleep in a bathtub in the guest room of an all-night party.
I had a few guests, however, who were driven to near insanity trying to sleep through the music downstairs. But I noticed every time that happened, that they didn't like the music to begin with. When you like the music, it's easier to sleep through.
So I'm of the opinion that in many cases, the person who can't sleep already absolutely hates what's making that sound anyway. And what's really keeping them truly from sleeping, is their own hatred coursing through their veins. But maybe I just don't know what its like to be a light sleeper.
Yeah I could see that. My situation was due to watching over a trailer and the guy wasn't even a direct neighbor. It was half a street down lol. So it was just a lot of factors working against me since I have trouble falling asleep with all the crap I consume keeping up with things. It was also during the week of the Rittenhouse verdict and my night shift was covering someone's paper route so I was pretty much forced to see how fucked the media was portraying us. I didn't know what would happen if they let that shit show prosecutor win just to appease the leftist mob and what 'our' side would have done in retaliation. Lots of stress that week lol.
Howard Lite Laser Lite
I had a roommate who refused to turn the TV down while he played games. So me, the working person was.constantly woken up.
Those Howard Lites were the best. Like you said, as long as the vibration doesnt happen, you wont hear it.