Yeah I know that, but God wanted horns to be used in preparation for the walls falling. If God had wanted to He could have just blown them down Himself immediately as the people got there, but He wanted it to be with their help so He instructed them to blow their horns and encircle the walls for several days before they eventually came down. It was God but He wanted His people to be a part of it.
As DireCarbon said, God doesn't need your interpretations. God already had their obedience, but God also likes to work through people to get the things that He wants done. It was through Moses that God led the Israelites out of Egypt. It was through Mary that He brought Jesus into our world to live a fully human but also fully divine life. If God wanted to He wouldn't have needed to use people at all, but He chooses to do so because He wants us to participate in His plans.
This is true, but just because English uses the word "horn" for both the instrument and the animal part, this does not mean that other languages do the same thing.
Yeah I know that, but God wanted horns to be used in preparation for the walls falling. If God had wanted to He could have just blown them down Himself immediately as the people got there, but He wanted it to be with their help so He instructed them to blow their horns and encircle the walls for several days before they eventually came down. It was God but He wanted His people to be a part of it.
Two things:
God didn't need or want their help. God DID want their obedience and faith.
They used trumpets, not horns. The original post confuses the two.
Edit: OK maybe just one thing. Translations varry between horn and trumpet.
God doesnt need your interpretations of his actions.
A trumpet is a horn.
What most people screw up is the difference between a trumpet and a cornet.
As DireCarbon said, God doesn't need your interpretations. God already had their obedience, but God also likes to work through people to get the things that He wants done. It was through Moses that God led the Israelites out of Egypt. It was through Mary that He brought Jesus into our world to live a fully human but also fully divine life. If God wanted to He wouldn't have needed to use people at all, but He chooses to do so because He wants us to participate in His plans.
Trumpet players call their instrument a horn, possibly because it is a type of horn
I was an amateur player through ... any pros are invited to confirm
This is true, but just because English uses the word "horn" for both the instrument and the animal part, this does not mean that other languages do the same thing.
Thit s is true but I wasn't referring to the animal part
Only horn as a nickname for trumpet