They want to reduce cholesterol because it interacts with inflamed arteries to produce plaque. If the body makes cholesterol, that's because it's needed elsewhere for other things. The problem is arterial inflammation. So, go after anti-inflammatory foods. We endlessly chase symptoms and not causes.
Never take statins
Lowering cholesterol is an unnecessary exercise
Every cell in the body makes it. If you lower it artificially, the body makes more.
Endless cycle
Thus, Big Pharma makes gazillion$ off cholestetol lowering drugs
Other numbers are way more meaningful for health
--Random guy on internet who says he has a degree in human biology and a D.C. :)
They want to reduce cholesterol because it interacts with inflamed arteries to produce plaque. If the body makes cholesterol, that's because it's needed elsewhere for other things. The problem is arterial inflammation. So, go after anti-inflammatory foods. We endlessly chase symptoms and not causes.
Right, the cholesterol ingeniously forms a plug to repair the microscopic lesions in arteries damaged by spiky molecules like sugars, insulin, etc.
Cholesterol is the good guy
Blaming cholesterol for artetiosclerosis is like blaming firemen for causing the fire, because whenever there's a fire you also happen to see firemen
The solution is to stop attacking the arteries with excessive carbs and insulin in the first place