Epstein is the guy who is revealing just how big tech is literally controlling the mind fo the world.
i suggest listening to his interview on Rogan, and also checking this out:
Epstein is the guy who is revealing just how big tech is literally controlling the mind fo the world.
i suggest listening to his interview on Rogan, and also checking this out:
This was recorded in 2020. If it had really upset the pharma and media cartels, they would have started persecuting Rogan then and there.
The episode that got Rogan in big trouble was the recent one with Dr. Robert Malone. Malone had just been canceled by Twitter, then suddenly was on Rogan and being heard by tens of millions. The pharma cartel was shocked that so many normies were hearing the truth about the bioweapon injections. So a plan was quickly put in place to go after Rogan and to shut him down.
The interviews with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone were the ones removed by YouTube.
Edit: Additionally, Malone's Twitter account was banned the very day he appeared on Rogan's show.
Yes agree .. both interviews are great ... still waiting for someone, anyone to justify what "Misinformation" they are referring to!!
Rogan’s informational interviews of the highly credentialed doctors conflicts with the deep state cabal’s disinformation on COVID & the death vaccines.
Of course .. but none of them can or will articulate the conflict!
This interview is recent. And very damning. He’s getting removed for both. This guys wife got murdered after he testified in congress about big tech manipulation. He exposed how big tech can sway voter bias by 50% or more
He just did one with Epstein in the past few weeks! It was really good. Epstein talked about how his wife was involved in a suspicious car wreck a few years ago as well as a bunch of other stuff. He is a raging lefty but definitely fighting for the right side
Eh I think it’s probably all of it combined.
We have a tendency on this site to target one specific thing and say “This is it! Here’s the missing puzzle piece.” When really, it’s a hodgepodge of happenings that we can’t really process. It’s a cocktail.
Yeah, they're going after him because he's popular. They're not afraid of Rogan, they're afraid of his audience. They know a lot of his listeners are "normies" and people who aren't necessarily "die hard Trumpers" or anything like that, and they can't allow that many people to listen to a message they don't control.
agree - i confess to writing the headline whilst fresh off listening to the podcast and wanting to direct attention to it - the conversations being hosted by Joe are a general threat to the narrative, but I do think that the Epstein episode is particularly dangerous as it is transforming the general "Big tech is a problem" theme into some specifics that might allow people to start actually addressing the issue...
I think with all these issues we start with a foggy awareness that something is wrong, then a specific concern about where the problem is, then a painful - and sometimes overwhelming "discovery" of the actualdetails of the problem, and then we start figuring out how to get round or rid of it.
I love CAF.
Honk honk.
What you all need to do is cancel spotify subscription and tell them it's because of censorship of JRE. It has to hurt them more to do the thing they want them to Vs what you want them to, it's that simple and always has been.
They didn’t censor him.
They didn't drop you on your head either. The music industry is flexing, Spotify have clearly "Asked him nicely" to cuck and accept disclaimers on his work that his views are not representative of Biden's administration.
He would not have done this without the moves prior, content is disappearing, a lot of it, because of coercion, that is censorship, don't be a mong.
Ya that’s cute
OK... who's Robert Ep... didn't kill himself?
Thought I knew what I knew but never heard this name.
A website tracking which episodes have been deleted.
They deleted Bill Burr, Dave Foley, Jim Norton and Andy Dick...scared of comedians?
See Epstein's 'art'. Rockit sculpture for example.
Rocking the foundation............drilling deep into the core......
Rocking in the supposed free world......"Beneath the paving stones"
Robotic/android future plans.
Want to see the sculpture's head in the window of a meme video proving this analysis?
Search Youtube for video by chameleon Herbie Hancock called "Rockit".
I won’t be opening my Spotify app any more. (Gonna try). I suggest everyone stop using their platform.
Trump should invite Rogan to Truth. “All of your shows could live for eternity on Truth, censor free Joe”
Doesn’t even matter if accepts, like promising a pardon for J6 prisoners, it’s the thought the counts.