The ozone hasn't matter for a while. People stopped using hairspray! Lol. Then we got "global warming", but since the artic ice is expanding, we now have " "climate change". Since the climate is always changing, this boogey man looks to be a best one, yet. Spray away!
I remember it as well, but was a jaded kid and didn't give it a thought, but in hindsight, it's so fucked up to feed kids propaganda that rain in going to burn their faces off. These "elite" parasites are fucking insane!
The world isn't round or flat. Everyone has it wrong!
I present to you satellite image proof that the world is made of Tendies.
I may be killed for releasing this info... 💀
I'm now officially a tendy-earther, and no one can convince me otherwise.
Give me 30 seconds with those tendies and I'll show you the effects of a world-ending asteroid strike!
molar-cular science will be involved, I would imagine
This is science I can trust.
You mean a world ending hot sauce strike.
There's only one logical explanation for that...New Zealand must not exist.
The conspiracy deepens... 🍗 🌎
New Zealand got destroyed this weekend by the super blood wolf moon!
I thought new Zealand was destroyed with the ring.
It was tasty...oops!
Someone ate it! Must have been tasty.
Or he was hungry 😋
LOLOLOL that's actually hilarious
So thats why we have so many liberals.
It looks like the ozone is completely gone!!! What are we going to do!!!
The ozone hasn't matter for a while. People stopped using hairspray! Lol. Then we got "global warming", but since the artic ice is expanding, we now have " "climate change". Since the climate is always changing, this boogey man looks to be a best one, yet. Spray away!
Omg I remember fucking acid rain as a kid. Every time I went out when it rained I was afraid my hair would fall off. Someone definitely had a laugh.
I remember it as well, but was a jaded kid and didn't give it a thought, but in hindsight, it's so fucked up to feed kids propaganda that rain in going to burn their faces off. These "elite" parasites are fucking insane!