Important Context:
What have you learned about HUMA?
What organization is HUMA?
Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?
Why is this relevant?
What year(s) did this occur?
Who funded on behalf this President?
Why is this relevant?
What year(s) did this occur?
What just happened in SA?
Who was arrested?
Funds frozen.
Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?
Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?
Why is the relevance?
Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?
Fast forward.
Why are the events in SA so important?
Why was JK in SA recently?
Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?
Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?
Refocus again.
Who was arrested in SA?
Any ownership stakes in US co's?
Why is this relevant?
Las Vegas.
Recent events.
Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?
What year(s) did this occur?
What faith does HUMA represent?
What faith does the MB represent?
What faith does Huma represent?
Who are the bad actors?
Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?
Is this possible?
Is the US political / election system corrupt?
Who owns poll machines?
Why is this relevant?
They never thought she would lose.
They never thought she would lose.
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
POTUS is our savior.
Operators are active.
We are at war.
Goodnight BO.
Snow White.
Godfather III.
Sure, expand, I challenge you. If you believe in the God and truths of the bible,
Concider, "Aliens have been around as long as fallen angels and are nothing more."
This reads like a bunch of religious bots replying nonsense to reach other, and I'm not sure you can convince me otherwise. There moon is not fake, you didn't even remotely prove that. Come back down to reality
Creator, Unconditional love , 1/3 of angelic creation rejected the Father, The Creator. "They " are the fallen who've rejected God and his love. Believers in The Resurrection have been given the Keys of truth back . Fallen angels cannot show their physical existence to those in the world. They are under command of The Risen One and believers of the promise of eternity WITH JESUS.
So the math in just the screenshot is all wrong. Distance from the sun isn't constant. Distance from the Moon isn't constant. These orbits are elliptical. How does this math account for the apogee and perigee of the Earth and Moon orbits? It doesn't. It wants you to just ignore those things and adopt the schizo theory that you need to just "wake up."
No one said it's a constant, the values are based on the mean distance between the Earth and the sun which is known as an astronomical unit and is equal to 93,000,000 miles, and the mean diameters of the Earth and the sun.
This took about 10 minutes of Googling and a few clicks on a calculator to determine. It appears the discrepancy is that the mean distance between the Earth and sun can fit 108 Earths, while the sun itself can fit 109 Earths. We are kind of splitting hairs at that point though with less that a 1% difference between the two.
GLORIFY GOD AND HIS perfection in all creation
Not man's unbelieving small minded scientific explanation as to why HE dosent exist .
God created it ALL, even you.
05-Nov-2017 11:34:15 PM ESTAnonymous4ch/pol
Important Context: What have you learned about HUMA? What organization is HUMA? Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA? Why is this relevant? What year(s) did this occur? Who funded on behalf this President? Why is this relevant? What year(s) did this occur? What just happened in SA? Who was arrested? Funds frozen. Why would this former President be funded pre-political days? Repeat. Important. Why would this former President be funded pre-political days? Why is the relevance? Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people? Fast forward. Why are the events in SA so important? Why was JK in SA recently? Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening? Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee? Refocus again. Who was arrested in SA? Any ownership stakes in US co's? Why is this relevant? Twitter. Las Vegas. Recent events. Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days? What year(s) did this occur? What faith does HUMA represent? What faith does the MB represent? What faith does Huma represent? Who are the bad actors? Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians? Fantasy land. Fantasy land. Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief? Is this possible? Is the US political / election system corrupt? Who owns poll machines? Soros? Why is this relevant? They never thought she would lose. They never thought she would lose. Fantasy land. Fantasy land. The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. POTUS is our savior. Pray. Operators are active. We are at war. Goodnight BO. Snow White. Godfather III. Q
I don't know why I posted this.
Sure, expand, I challenge you. If you believe in the God and truths of the bible, Concider, "Aliens have been around as long as fallen angels and are nothing more."
This reads like a bunch of religious bots replying nonsense to reach other, and I'm not sure you can convince me otherwise. There moon is not fake, you didn't even remotely prove that. Come back down to reality
The video 10lbsBass linked above was quite interesting. I didn't like the narrator's voice, but the message and concept was very intriguing.
Men are not angels. Bill is twisted.
Creator, Unconditional love , 1/3 of angelic creation rejected the Father, The Creator. "They " are the fallen who've rejected God and his love. Believers in The Resurrection have been given the Keys of truth back . Fallen angels cannot show their physical existence to those in the world. They are under command of The Risen One and believers of the promise of eternity WITH JESUS.
This post reminds me of the enormous brain damage that can be done by drug abuse.
So the math in just the screenshot is all wrong. Distance from the sun isn't constant. Distance from the Moon isn't constant. These orbits are elliptical. How does this math account for the apogee and perigee of the Earth and Moon orbits? It doesn't. It wants you to just ignore those things and adopt the schizo theory that you need to just "wake up."
No one said it's a constant, the values are based on the mean distance between the Earth and the sun which is known as an astronomical unit and is equal to 93,000,000 miles, and the mean diameters of the Earth and the sun.
The mean diameter of the sun is 864,938 miles. Dividing the two values yields 108 when rounded to the nearest whole number.
The mean diameter of the Earth is 7917.5 miles. According to NASA the diameter of the sun is about 109 times the diameter of the Earth.
This took about 10 minutes of Googling and a few clicks on a calculator to determine. It appears the discrepancy is that the mean distance between the Earth and sun can fit 108 Earths, while the sun itself can fit 109 Earths. We are kind of splitting hairs at that point though with less that a 1% difference between the two.
Not splitting hairs. If you are going to rebut data with this kind of precision, then your rebuttal must be equally precise.
Are you high ?
The JIDF seem awfully now energy today, have you had your pop-rocks and redbull ?
You have alt accounts that you use to feed yourself.
Like jerking off into your own mouth.... keep posting.
funniest insult I've heard in a while.
11-11-2018. Significance?