118 What's the first thing you see & notice ?? ... Symbolism will be their what ? [Ottawa] 🤔 👀 EYES ON! 👀 posted 3 years ago by 7Nick9 3 years ago by 7Nick9 +118 / -0 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Ottawa+symbols&t=crhs&iax=images&ia=images 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I see 666 and I also noticed that many of the Ottawa police badges are the Satanic six pointed Star of Remphan that Luke warned us about in Acts 7:43.
Sticks out like a sore thumb .
sticks out like dog balls
Kek ! 😂
Can't unsee that. Nice catch!
HT Julian's Rum for pointing this out..
Saw this building on a rebel news broadcast. Not sure what exactly the building was, but it was near parliament and protestors. https://ibb.co/MP4jG9H
https://youtu.be/TM94_s99VyU @3:20
Image won't open for me. What is it?
DDG Ottawa symbols
It's Saturn symbolism, they are a bunch of Saturn worshippers
😳 hard to miss that one
That link crashes my browser.