Holy Shit It Just Dawned On Me...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
Y’all remember California passing a law that made it legal (spez: it's still illegal but the penalty for doing so was reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor) to knowingly give someone HIV without their consent?
And now how we know there’s a HIV spike protein within the clotshot?
They knew. Those sick fucks knew the entire time.
(spez: Okay, so the California law says sexually transmitted HIV. I still think it applies here because the people taking the shots are getting royally fucked)
So, thats the thing about AIDS, it's just the symptom. You can get it without HIV.
like, you can get a cough from the cold, or the flue, or [fill in the blank]
It just means you have Acquired an Immune system Disorder that is showing Symptoms which can be detected.
HIV-Acquired Immune Disorder Symptoms, or Vaccine Acquired Immune Disorder Symptoms, they come from two different things, but both are Acquired Immune Disorders Symptoms you experience when your immune system is destroyed and you get sick from the invasion.
See this is the problem with germ theory (attack the germs!) the terrain (body and immune system) the germs live in is more important.
Germs are literally everywhere. You don't stay healthy by avoiding germs. You stay healthy by keeping the body and immune system at peak efficiency. (which involves a level of exposure), and avoiding over-exposure when in a weakened state.
I dont think he wrote what he wrote to write out the acronym, as that is easy to do, but moreso for explanation. Or maybe he meant it and is wrong and I'm being to soft on cosmicspiritwarrior. He's not wrong about what he said though.
yes, I know. I wasn't telling people what it is called, they know that already. I was translating into what it IS.
This is wrong. You cannot have AIDS without also having HIV.
they play games with names, VAIDS and the other 'AIDS LIKE THINGS WE DON'T CALL AIDS' are basically the same. It's a deficiency in the immune system you acquire.
They also change the definition of words to suit their narrative. AIDS has been defined as late-stage HIV.