MSM: “Yeah turns out masks were completely useless after all”
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The $cience has changed!!!
We always thought that masks worked, we had no idea that the previous scientific consensus was that masks cause more harm than good.
Science told us that masks don't work, but then $cience told us that masks do work (Trust The $cience!!!), but the $cience changed and now we know that Science was right and so have just discovered, again, that masks don't work...
...but you still have to keep wearing a mask, because we say so and trust the $cience!
Brought to you by $cience!!! "You can trust us"!!!
Basically every study published prior to 2020, from theoretical studies to clinical trials showed masks were useless at best.
But at the start of the pandemic it was “but COVID is different!” Science doesn’t change they just wanted an excuse to enslave people.
Does that mean those tiny plexiglass shields don't work too?
when they fail to question or seek objective additional info they are spinning mis-information massively and endangering public health. and they there are their out and out lies ....criminal behaviour.
I just canceled an ENT appointment for my Meniere’s because they are requiring masks again in the office. They had stopped when the states mandates stopped, now they are back again even though there are no mandates. And this is a ENT clinic with multiple doctors in it, and my other doc retired so he was the next go-to that is available to treat Meniere’s. Not a lot of docs in my area that treat it, might have to look outside my state. And I might add I’m in a very red state & county. Just flipping ignorant!
I told the nurse that the doctors need to wake up and actually do their own research and see they don’t work to stop a virus. I said I guess your office is willing to loose appointments over this, cancel my appointment. Guess they don’t need another new patient. It’s one of the only ways I can help in this is by not complying and cancel them making money off of me & my insurance. It means I could suffer from the horrible symptoms of this disease more than I should but I’m not complying.