I have no allegiance to Jews, nor any knowledge enough to be sympathetic to their cause. If it is in fact organic and altruistic, taking a mad dash to blame Jews for the problems we face (rather than simply bashing the elite, cabal, etc.) seems like a really dumb strategy given the importance of redpilling braindead normies. Whether or not the anti-Jew narrative is accurate is completely irrelevant if we're truly playing to win. So why do it? Just say fuck the globalists and be done with it so the brainwashed normies don't sprint away for good before taking the redpill.
I do know that the powers that be will go to great lengths to subvert any inkling of a populist movement. America First, I imagine, is no exception. Psy-ops and infiltration/subversion have come a long way since Vietnam. If that's what the sudden Jew hate is, you turds really suck. What a boring existence.
I’ve felt this way for the last 6 months. I have really good friends who are messianic Jews and patriotic Americans. Their family is the leaders of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. They are persecuted and killed for our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Jew hate is not helpful.
Big difference. Just ask a conservative or an orthodox.
I got Jewish friends too, but you have to understand that our friends are on the lower rung of the totem pole, as many other Jews are. Same as Masons and Catholics.
As I’m on the lower rung of the Caucasian Baptist ladder. Jews might be the ones at the top of the cabal. I don’t know but to discriminate against innocent Jews carte Blanche is the opposite of what Jesus taught and did. Also….he’s a Jew. Not sure if you knew that.
I agree, so here's the tricky part:
-Most people who bash the Jews are actually complaining about the higher ups in the Cabal
-Some people havent experienced decent Jewish people like you or I, so they make a generalized statement.
-People like you or I, come in and combat these people as antisemites.
-Therefore, we all fight amongst each other over semantics instead of uniting, just as the Cabal's designed us to.
-Like the rest of history, the Jews on the lower rung are fodder for the one's higher up in the Cabal. The lower ones catch the heat for the higher ups and most aren't aware.
I hope this makes more sense.
He wasn't a Jew.
The meaning of jew has changed over the years -- just like the meaning of vaccine.
I don't have all the facts on it because I'm still researching it.
But it's misleading to call him a jew. Hebrew would be accurate, I think.
They’re not patriots. They’re leeches. The moment the new gets an opportunity to establish power, they will, because it’s part of their holy religion, scriptures, prophecies etc
Truly schizo shit.
Don’t trust a new ever - they are playing the long game. Or long con, if you want to be accurate.
Are you serious? You are naive if you’re out their always looking for the jew boogie man. It’s all races bud. Human nature. My Jewish friend is an incredible patriot and human being. Your viewpoint is unchristian and un American.