It hit me tonight here in Houston after speaking to a staggering amount of normies over the past few days.
Houston has a Major Medical Center that includes $3Bil+ Hospitals like MD Anderson and more. The people I was speaking to, very surprisingly, had been briefed over the prospect of having administered HIV within the Pfizer, Moderna jabz. Supposedly more information that was worse relating to the Johnson & Johnson jabs.
I was pointed to this Johnson & Johnson study by a Medical Assistant at Baylor College of Medicine - she told me "Look at and realize this study was released by the Johnson & Johnson Foundation & it's total Gaslighting PR meant to encourage Medical Professionals into identifying themselves for further scrutiny."
Seriously no less than 15 conversations over the days since this past Wednesday when this HIV link to VAIDS started circulating around research circles.
These folks - I overheard many of them speaking at tables next to me as I worked and did my red-pill-on-approach stuff. I do this all the time. it's how I roll.
Anyway I come in today for a few hours and it is ABSOLUTE BATSHIT PANIC.
The Moderna CEO has supposedly been arrested or something & there are Internal E-Mails at some Major Hospitals that are legit begging people to come in and seek help. Word is a lot of suicides.
This is insane. These Medical Folks thrive on basically being completely fucking detached from society as a whole and now they can't shut up. They are panicking and DEMANDING that I tell them everything I know. When I spell everything out to them they are having legit Panic Attacks. I can see in their eyes that what I am saying freaks them out cuz I am not a professional and have made connections they failed to - and now they are having to reconcile some serious shit.
Anyway - Lady I talked to earlier had to bail because the person she was doing a peer review with had tried to kill herself with "something in the clinic."
This .... seems epic.
The Real Anthony Fauci is a must read. I'm not an expert on the topic by any means, but the information presented makes a convincing argument HIV by itself is just a harmless dormant virus not responsible for AIDS by itself. AIDS is most likely caused by environmental factors, like toxic levels of drug use in the gay scene leading to immune system collapse. Or in 2022 possibly toxic levels of mRNA and spike protein leading to immune system collapse.
how does that explain people who got it thru transfusion and ended up giving it to babies in the womb or their spouses or whatever... basically people who arent ratcheted up on drugs all the time and really unhealthy.
also, why then does aids then only strike people who test postive for hiv, and not regular winos or drug addicts or hard livin toxic people?
This is the answer to your questions:
(1) AIDS does not exist as a real thing in the real world. Instead, it is just a definition, that is used to create fear in the public and money into the bank accounts of the fraud promoters.
In the 1970's, gay men in San Francisco were getting weired illnesses, some of them dying. Someone (Fauci or his ilk) came up with the term GRID ("Gay-Related Immune Deficiency") as an explanation. They had NO scientific research to base this on. It was just a guess.
They tried to get grant money to "study" this thing that did not really exist, but they came up empty because nobody wanted to spend money to help out the fags in San Fran.
So, they changed the name to AIDS ("Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome"). They claimed that anyone could get it (not just homosexuals). AGAIN, they had absolutely NO scientific evidence for this. It was just a made-up claim.
(2) Robert Gallo came up with the "smoking gun." This is what changed everything. He claimed that he discovered that HIV was a virus that caused AIDS. The media went crazy with it, and the public panicked. Now, everybody could get a deadly illness just by having sex.
The money poured in, and Anthony Fauci was the ringleader for this scam.
At this point, they started doing HIV tests. And those tests were bogus. They could NOT diagnose anything. Kary Mullis spoke out against using the PCR technique as a diagnostic tool for HIV. But they continued doing it.
AIDS is nothing more than a definition. IF (a) you have one of 30+ illnesses listed by the CDC, AND (b) you test positive for HIV (with a bogus test), THEN you are diagnosed with AIDS.
If you have the illness but test negative, then you "just" have the illness, but not AIDS.
There is NO scientific research to prove this. NONE.
Robert Gallo would later state on the record that he NEVER had any proof. It was ONLY an hypothesis.
But the money rolled in.
So, what is the TRUTH?
(3) The truth is those homos in San Francisco were part of the new "free love" movement that was sweeping the country in the 1960's/1970's. They were the gay side of it.
They created bath houses to have casual sex in. But their kind of sex is unnatural, so they used drugs to relax the anal muscles. They used Amyl Nitrate ("poppers") which turned out to be highly toxic to humans.
Plus, they were using recreational drugs to party for days at a time without going to sleep.
This "gay lifestyle" is what caused their bodies to build up with toxins, and they developed all sorts of nasty illnesses. Some of them died of the illnesses.
(4) Once the false "HIV causes AIDS" story became the narrative, they would test people for HIV. If they were positive (using a bogus test), and if they also had one of those 30+ illnesses listed by CDC, then they were diagnosed as having "AIDS."
They were then put onto "AIDS drugs" like AZT, which were extremely toxic. It was a failed chemo drug. Cancer patients are given toxic drugs for a LIMITED time period to kill off cancer cells.
But AIDS patients were put on these drugs FOREVER. These drugs killed them.
That's why they quit using them.
And once this was all figured out, AIDS just "went away."
There was a time when people were in fear of having sex. Now, nobody really even things about AIDS.
Until ... they just recently started bringing back the fear porn for HIV.
(5) Just like Fauci led the fake scam of HIV/AIDS, he has been leading the fake scam of SARS/Covid. Now that they cannot get everybody on the fake vaccines, they are pivoting to "Covid causes HIV, which causes AIDS, which causes serious illnesses -- because it's definitly not the fake vaccines that cause all those sudden illnesses that did not exist before the fake vaccines were unleashed."
Get it?
>Get it?
Thank you! I don't know what I think of this theory yet -- I have to think about it and let the idea settle in my brain and see if I can think of anything that's not consistent with that hypothesis.
I wasn't that old at the time aids came out, but I do remember some of how it all went down.
I remember there was a brief time where families, kids, heteros were "getting it from blood transfusions", but BEFORE azt was being used... right? But there was no footage of kids or wives wasting away from it. The only footage of people wasting away from it were gay people, for quite some time.
This is the main part I have to think about and look into: Was there ever any real stories backed up by footage of healthy living people wasting away from aids BEFORE azt was introduced as a Tx. I don't think there was... but I'm not one who's quick to jump on a theory.
This is very very interdasting. Thanks for the excellent breakdown. <3
spezzing: OMG I just realized.... "MAGIC JOHNSON" get it. Get it?!?! Ohhh this could totally be some evil bullshit engineered by psychopaths.
Excellent synopsis of the origin of AIDS.
Because yes you can get HIV but there is no evidence of causality to aids. However aids treatment drugs like azt sometimes cause AIDS by destroying your immune system. So a person could get HIV from a transfusion and would be fine except if they "treat" for aids they then "get" aids and die. Quite genius plan really, fauci's last rodeo.
I can't believe this. My college friend has a twin who is gay. His long-term partner got AIDS and died. Twin guy refused to test. He was a health nut. No drugs at all and ate healthy. After a few years he had full-blown AIDS. He was close to death. Started anti-viral drugs and is alive and looks well.
This seems to be the modus operandi for the Rockefeller controlled Healthcare system.