It’s Official – White House Ukraine Crisis is Manufactured – Pelosi Says if Russia Doesn’t Invade Ukraine, It Proves Strength and Brilliance of Joe Biden Policy
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I don't understand your remark. The Cuban Missile Crisis was not manufactured and it was a serious matter. Russia had installed ballistic missiles in Cuba that could target the U.S. mainland. At what point do you just laugh off something like that? At least Kennedy thought it was important for national security to put teeth into the Monroe Doctrine.
In Biden's case, he is shadow-boxing with his own fantasies. Talking up a storm, to take credit if it doesn't rain.
The difference is this Ukraine scenario is post Kennedy. You do know that Kennedy was our last independent president; so, his geopolitical situations were very real and not manufactured. Sorry, you do not see the similarities. Also, are you aware that Putin had his very own New World takeover, which he largely overcame. Those NWO folks departed only to roost on his border inside the Ukraine waiting for their next opportunity. Very much like large scale developers that never take no for an answer from planning and zoning boards --- they just "biden" their time for the next opportunity.
Okay to all that---but it still means the Cuban Missile Crisis was a real crisis. You seem to think so, too. We got into the manufactured wars with the Vietnam War (Gulf of Tonkin crisis, hamstrung rules of engagement, McNamara DoD). It seems logical, likely, and maybe obvious that Kennedy was being dis-served by his subordinates (e.g., Henry Kissinger) similarly to Trump.
I believe the guy you're replying to though you implied that the cuban missile crisis was manufactured and now they did it again.
Thee wording of your original comment somewhat implies that, so I think in reality you are both in agreement now that you clarified.
Thanks. Think most caught my drift.