Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act. This gives him the power to invoke the military but it isn't a given. He has even said that he is not invoking it.
Emergencies Act does NOT equal Martial Law.
BTW, I suspect the only reason he has NOT invoked the military is because they probably won't listen to him.
Emergencies Act gives him the same abilities he would have under Martial Law.
He can just piecemeal the parts he wants.
Powers extended to any law enforcement agent (municipal, provincial, federal, military) and include authority to seize property, bank accounts, vehicles, all without court oversight/no warrant required, and includes power to compell others to assist in their operations (like the banks, tow truck businesses, etc). Trudeau invoked a militarized response (with no judicial oversight) against peaceful citizens who disagree with his politics. Definition of tyranny.
This is bad enough.
Probably better described as enacting a Police State.
Wrong. 100% wrong. Canada does NOT HAVE martial law. OP is correct, stop spouting that shit. I'm Canadian with 5 years in law school. No such thing as martial law in Canada.
Military is not involved. Only Ontario is affected ( hence where the 'emergency' is ). This affects ZERO of the rest of Canada.
Sorry you seem to be in dictator-denial.
The only difference between this "emergency" being declared in Ontario vs. the rest of Canada... is because he hasn't extended the "emergency" yet to include the rest of the nation. It's coming.
Feel like that frog in a boiling pot yet? The water is still only warm... so no reason to believe it's a crisis, right?
No, Trudope's just a complete pussy and I think his own cabinet wants to see him burn. Canada, the actual Canada, has spoken and it looks like Trudope and his few supports are the actual minority. The left are all about self preservation.
I have faith in Canada and those in Parliament that actually stand for it. Now that they all see the narrative in collapse, I have faith they will finally make the right choice.