Maybe because it was too close...
CDC Casually Admits Covid Nose Swabs Ended Up in a Lab for Genomic Sequencing Analysis
They are looking to target people by DNA markers using the messenger RNA in "vaccines".
Change my mind.
Maybe because it was too close...
CDC Casually Admits Covid Nose Swabs Ended Up in a Lab for Genomic Sequencing Analysis
They are looking to target people by DNA markers using the messenger RNA in "vaccines".
Change my mind.
When you are a bunch of control freaks . Why care about ethnicity. Not sure what value that would be.
If they want DNA from people. They need to know if there are certain small differences that will prevent them to controlling us all.
For Example.
If they released some type of control technology to control us all.
And they thought it would work on everyone. Then they found out that it doesn’t work on Asian people.
That’s not a good thing for them.
Keep this in mind.
Who is the cabal?
Most of them is the banking system.
Bankers won’t care about ethnic group:
They care about Assets and Liabilities to a balance sheet.
They want to find out which groups are a liability to their assets.
They need to know every type of groups genetic make up.
So they can create formulas to control every group.
The Cabal tell us -- "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
With the CCP it is -- "Four legs good, two legs bad".
They say that to control people and to keep people fighting against each other.
Division is needed for them to distract and control.
Without it.
No way can they win.
If I was evil.
I would divide for sure.
There is a scale from most to least compliant races. Apparently orientals are at the top and caucasians are at the bottom. A similar list of easily manipulated / instigated to violence has the same race at the bottom.
There are 7 billion people around the world.
It's impossible to know what every group is doing.
There is international success that the whole world can see. There is local success that only those who live in an area can see.
How so?
What did I say that is not true?
In order to know about success. That success must be advertised to you.
For Example: The whole Durham case is not being advertised on purpose. There are a lot of people that have no clue this is going on.
The networks for decades have controlled how they want us to see the world. A part of the great awakening.
Is to admit to ourselves. That our own beliefs about the world needs to be reevaluated. The Cabal shows us what they want us to believe for a reason.
What else are they lying about or keeping from us.
lol. ok. No answer.
Got it!
My whacky idea is they want clones. Dunno if they plan a wipe out and reset or the fuckers think they can go to mars. I wanna see all this shit destroyed.
There is a scale from most to least compliant races. Apparently orientals are at the top and caucasians are at the bottom. A similar list of easily manipulated / instigated to violence has the same race at the bottom.