My daughter and s-i-l planned to stroll down to the Chaz to check it out - had NO idea what was going on at the "peaceful" occupation and still don't. Carried on thinking I was still a conspiracy nut when I tried to tell them. Thankfully they didn't go.
It still looks trashed - the city literally doesnt care. If I hadnt been over there for my spouse's medical appts and seen it, I would never have imagined how a once clean beautiful city let it go to ****. The suburbs are exploding as the people with money move away to make room for more weirdos.
Strange: they were going to move to Toronto before the lock downs hit. Now I'm wondering if that isn't a blessing in disguise. Hard to tell which place is crazier; at least the Canadians are rising up, Seattle seems lost.
Glad to hear you found your place in the universe. Our kids and grandkids moved to Northern Montana a couple months ago and it is like another world. Eating out was a treat. Friendly people, very little talk about covid - people get it and stay home til they feel better with no fanfare, very few masks out and about, no vax contraversy, kids get a cold at school and they dont get sent home. You dont realize how bad it is til you drive over the Hood Canal Bridge coming home and the covid cloud covers everything including 95% of the population. It is a hard thing to give up a home that is bought and paid for to head out into the unknown but will probably end up in a camp if we stay - thankful the kids got out when they did. Keep those posts going, they are always interesting!
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
But the way I understand Canadian elections, there won't be another until October of 2025.
They can have an election before then, but the Prime Minister who can request that, which is unlikely.
The House can vote on a No Confidence Motion. A simple majority is needed to win it.
Simply stated, the convention provides that if the government is defeated in the House on a question of confidence, then it is expected to resign or seek the dissolution of Parliament in order for a general election to be held.
So either the Prime Minister and his cabinet resign, or Parliament is dissolved. Either way there is a new vote.
It looks like the only way to get control of the Government is to convince enough MPs of Trudeau's party to turn on him and vote yes on a No Confidence motion.
Great message, effective protester - quite a contrast to protester interviews at Chaz last summer.
My daughter and s-i-l planned to stroll down to the Chaz to check it out - had NO idea what was going on at the "peaceful" occupation and still don't. Carried on thinking I was still a conspiracy nut when I tried to tell them. Thankfully they didn't go.
MSM needs to be purged.
It still looks trashed - the city literally doesnt care. If I hadnt been over there for my spouse's medical appts and seen it, I would never have imagined how a once clean beautiful city let it go to ****. The suburbs are exploding as the people with money move away to make room for more weirdos.
Strange: they were going to move to Toronto before the lock downs hit. Now I'm wondering if that isn't a blessing in disguise. Hard to tell which place is crazier; at least the Canadians are rising up, Seattle seems lost.
Right now western Washington is lost - Two more months and we are outta here. Canada looks to be on the right track.
Missouri is pretty normal and free, as is South Dakota according to my brother who also fled Western WA with his family just about same time we did
Glad to hear you found your place in the universe. Our kids and grandkids moved to Northern Montana a couple months ago and it is like another world. Eating out was a treat. Friendly people, very little talk about covid - people get it and stay home til they feel better with no fanfare, very few masks out and about, no vax contraversy, kids get a cold at school and they dont get sent home. You dont realize how bad it is til you drive over the Hood Canal Bridge coming home and the covid cloud covers everything including 95% of the population. It is a hard thing to give up a home that is bought and paid for to head out into the unknown but will probably end up in a camp if we stay - thankful the kids got out when they did. Keep those posts going, they are always interesting!
Montana is on my list as a possible place to build Camp Yesu as there’s some great ranch land there, especially along Yelliwstone River
“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
― Mark Twain
How true.
Gay Hitler is more worried about what his Davos controllers will do to him if he fails to deliver Canada into the NWO. Remember McMaster.
The world is watching.
But the way I understand Canadian elections, there won't be another until October of 2025.
They can have an election before then, but the Prime Minister who can request that, which is unlikely.
The House can vote on a No Confidence Motion. A simple majority is needed to win it.
So either the Prime Minister and his cabinet resign, or Parliament is dissolved. Either way there is a new vote.
It looks like the only way to get control of the Government is to convince enough MPs of Trudeau's party to turn on him and vote yes on a No Confidence motion.
Is that in the realm of possibility? IDK
That's why Justin is trying to invoke the Emergency Act. It would forestall a no confidence vote by at least a month as I understand it.
The NDP would back him up, so a non-confidence would still be in Trudeau's favor.
Sing is going to be ousted by the NDP within 2 weeks. Mark my words.
Great post.