From an air-conditioned, heated, private home with electricity, presumably employed voluntarily in a field of his choice, and using technology innovated through market forces to promulgate his message.
He’s gonna hate the work camps.
These ass-holes need to read Solzhenitsyn. They’re the first ones lined up against the wall.
pedo smirk
For men, maybe. I have multiple pairs of colored frame glasses to go with different wardrobe color schemes 🤷🏼♀️
Mostly female teachers who sleep with underage males
Same, I have a bunch of frame colors. Im a real estate agent who wants all the pedos rounded up and served justice.
Yep, total!
Like dangling red meat in front of 4chan...
The face of Soylent.
Let's do a GoFundMe to buy him a one-way ticket to China.
From an air-conditioned, heated, private home with electricity, presumably employed voluntarily in a field of his choice, and using technology innovated through market forces to promulgate his message.
He’s gonna hate the work camps.
These ass-holes need to read Solzhenitsyn. They’re the first ones lined up against the wall.
Indeed, it should be required reading for every wanna-be Marxist revolutionary operating from the luxury of western democracy.
My God, the level of soy in this one must be through the roof.
They all have that pedo smirk expression.
Yeah the women do the same thing but make extra wrinkles in their forehead and tilt their head to the side as if to say, "I'm not that ugly"
Should I post it to my social media?
Why do these pieces of literal shit always have such punchable faces?
To dumb to know Stalin would have shot him first.
I love how these people are just so stupid to bravely advertise their love of communism
They love something that would murder them without even a thought or recourse for redress.
They really are so damn stupid.
He could be "Dr Pizza's" twin. A convicted pedophile. No coincidences.
Whoever is able should respond in kind.
Ship this mother fucker over to China