Amen......On solid unwavering ground, we stand together protected under the wings of The Father who made us in his image. Be not afraid, for through God all things are possible.
Nice site. And if Q were cautious, he would never publish such a big block of prose, because there are linguistic pattern sleuths out there looking. In fact they identified Qanon this week. :)
Amen......On solid unwavering ground, we stand together protected under the wings of The Father who made us in his image. Be not afraid, for through God all things are possible.
Beautiful prayer, Q ! Amen !
Such a powerful prayer posted by Q.
AMEN! 🙏🙌
This is a profound prayer. The battle against evil ones is not our battle, nor the victory our glory. All honor and glory belongs to the Lord.
I wish I had paid more respect when Q posted these.
They were EXACTLY what needed to be said to my soul.
The prayer is by...anonymous.
Nice site. And if Q were cautious, he would never publish such a big block of prose, because there are linguistic pattern sleuths out there looking. In fact they identified Qanon this week. :)
Kek. I mean lol, like really kekky, man.
Yup. Poor Ron got caught.
One of the very best Q posts.